§ 33-7.6.2. Applicability.  

Latest version.
  • Adequate public facilities waivers to the provisions of this UDC may be requested when an applicant can demonstrate that one of the following situations apply:


    Connection to the parish's sanitary sewer system will require unreasonable expenditure when compared with other methods of sewage disposal, subject to the following conditions:


    The lot, parcel or tract of land is located on the unprotected side of the West Bank and Vicinity Hurricane Protection Levee;


    The public works director finds that the cost of connecting to the parish's sanitary sewer system would be unreasonable given the inadequacy or inexistence of connecting facilities; and


    The State of Louisiana approves the alternative sewage disposal system at the building permit stage; or


    Provision of adequate public facilities will require unreasonable expenditure, subject to the following conditions:


    The subdivision is for the purpose of inheritance, sale or similar act without intention of development within five (5) years;


    Each lot, parcel or tract of land included in the application is undeveloped, is at least ten (10) acres, and has frontage on a publicly dedicated and constructed street;


    If the resubdivision results in any lot, parcel, or tract of land that is less than ten (10) acres, the lot, parcel or tract of land shall meet the adequate public facilities requirements or the applicant shall make provision for adequate public facilities through a development agreement in accordance with the requirements of this UDC;


    The number of lots, parcels, or tracts of land created in one (1) application does not exceed ten (10); and


    The subdivision does not involve the creation of any new street, right-of-way in full ownership, or other public improvement but as determined by the public works director may provide for the dedication, acceptance, relocation, or deletion of public utility servitudes granted to Jefferson Parish, other than streets.

(Ord. No. 24989 , § VII, 8-12-15)