§ 35.5-13. Acceptance.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Filing. Grantee shall, within sixty (60) days after the approval of a telecommunication systems franchise by the grantor, file with the clerk of council, with copies filed with the parish attorney, a written acceptance of the franchise. Said acceptance shall be signed and acknowledged by the president, vice president, or other authorized officer of the grantee and attested to by its secretary. Said acceptance shall be substantially in the following form:

    "TO THE COUNCIL OF THE PARISH OF JEFFERSON The Grantee, ___________, a ___________ organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of ___________ does hereby accept the Franchise approved by the Parish of Jefferson in Ordinance _______ enacted the ________ of _______, 2___, granting ___________ a Franchise to erect, construct, maintain and/or operate a Telecommunication System on the Public Rights-of-Way of the Parish of Jefferson, subject to certain terms, conditions and limitations as set forth therein.



    Dated at ___________, this the _____ day of ___________, 2___."


    Administrative procedure. After receipt by the Parish of Jefferson of the "acceptance" executed by the authorized representative of the grantee, the "acceptance fee," i.e., the first annual franchise fee, the required security and insurance documents, the route map and any other information that may be required by the grantor, the "acknowledgment" of "acceptance" shall be submitted to the council chairman for execution on behalf of the parish.


    Failure to file. In event such acceptance is not filed or if the acceptance fee is not paid with said time, the telecommunications systems franchise and the rights and privileges granted therein shall be null and void.

(Ord. No. 20914, § 1, 3-15-00; Ord. No. 22754, § 1I, 5-17-06)