§ 35-88. Amount of tax.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The license tax for the business described in this article levied upon the store or stores operated within this parish is based on the number of stores or merchandise establishments included under the same general management, supervision, ownership and control, whether within this parish or not and whether within the state or not; the maximum license for each store or establishment shall be as follows:

    Number of Stores in Group—At Least But Not More Than License Fee
    2 ..... 10 $10.00
    1 ..... 35 15.00
    36 ..... 50 20.00
    51 ..... 75 25.00
    76 ..... 100 30.00
    101 ..... 125 50.00
    126 ..... 150 100.00
    151 ..... 175 150.00
    176 ..... 200 200.00
    201 ..... 225 250.00
    226 ..... 250 300.00
    251 ..... 275 350.00
    276 ..... 300 400.00
    301 ..... 400 450.00
    401 ..... 500 500.00
    501 ..... and over 550.00



    The tax for any store opened after June thirtieth of any year shall not exceed one-half (½) of the annual amount.

(Code 1961, 16-70)