§ 35-153. Imposition of tax.
§ 35-154. General definitions.
§ 35-155. Payment of tax.
§ 35-156. New business; license required before commencing.
§ 35-157. Change of ownership or lessee.
§ 35-158. Separate license required for each location, based on primary class of business.
§ 35-159. Class of business.
§ 35-160. Period used where gross receipts are the measure of the license.
§ 35-161. Taxpayers required to keep records; confidentiality.
§ 35-162. Application of licenses.
§ 35-163. Failure to pay tax; judgment prohibiting further pursuit of business.
§ 35-164. Collector authorized to make rules and regulations.
§ 35-165. Records to be kept by collector.
§ 35-166. Cost of collection.
§ 35-167. Disposition of collections.
§ 35-168. Procedure to collect delinquent taxes; pleading and practice; effect of collector's affidavit; burden of proof.
§ 35-169. Objection to tax; payment; refunds; legal actions; construction.
§ 35-170. Attorneys to aid collector; commission; duties and procedure.
§ 35-171. Interest on unpaid taxes.
§ 35-172. Penalty for failure to make timely return.
§ 35-173. Tax obligation to constitute a lien, privilege and mortgage.
§ 35-174. Retail dealers in merchandise, services and rentals.
§ 35-174.1. Gasoline service stations.
§ 35-175. Wholesale dealers in merchandise, service and rentals; retail dealers to institutional consumers; shipbuilders; and contractors.
§ 35-176. Business of lending or of dealing of notes secured by chattel mortgages or other liens.
§ 35-177. Brokerage and commission agents.
§ 35-178. Public utilities.
§ 35-179. Businesses where licenses are based on flat fees.
§ 35-180. Exemptions.
§ 35-181. Deductions.
§ 35-182. Special provisions.
§ 35-183. Use of revenues.
§ 35-184. Effective date.
§ 35-185. Severability.
§§ 35-186—35-199. Reserved.