§ 40-46. Restriction on land, buildings and structures.  

Latest version.
  • Except as hereinafter provided:


    Use. No building or structure shall be erected and no existing building shall be moved, altered, added to, or enlarged nor shall any land, building, structure, or premises be used, designed or intended to be used for any purpose or in any manner other than a use designated in the chapter, or amendment thereto, as permitted in the district in which said land, building, structure or premises is or are located.


    Height. No structure or building shall be erected, nor shall any existing building be moved, reconditioned or structurally altered so as to exceed in height the limit established in this chapter or amendment, thereto, for the district in which such building or structure is located.


    Percentage of lot occupancy. No building or structure shall be erected, nor shall any existing building or structure be moved, altered, enlarged or rebuilt, nor shall any open space surrounding any building, or structure, be encroached upon or reduced in any manner, except in conformity with the building site requirements, and the area and parking space and yard regulations established by this chapter, or amendment thereto, for the district in which such building or structure is located.


    Density of population. No building, structure or premises shall be erected, occupied or used so as to provide a greater density of population than is allowed under the terms of this chapter for the district in which such building, structure or premises is or are located.


    Open space use limitation. No yard or open space provided about any building or structure for the purpose of complying with the regulations of this chapter, or amendments, thereto, shall be considered as providing a yard or open space for any other building structure, except as otherwise provided by this Zoning Ordinance.


    Required lot and occupancy. Except as otherwise provided herein, every building or structure hereafter erected shall be located on a single lot of record. In no case shall there be more than one (1) principal building on one (1) lot unless otherwise provided in this chapter. Except for fences, no building or structure shall be built across lot lines.


    Exterior wall material. The exterior wall material(s) of the principal structure of a one-, two-, three-, or four-family dwelling, excluding manufactured and mobile homes, shall be compatible with the existing residential development of the Parish. For the purposes of this chapter, compatibility shall mean construction using materials including, but not limited to, brick, stone, architectural block, stucco, glass, wood, fiber-cement siding and/or vinyl siding, and shall specifically exclude the use of prefabricated or corrugated metal panels and mirrored glass.

(Ord. No. 20783, § 3(V(1)), 9-22-99; Ord. No. 22012, § 2, 10-8-03; Ord. No. 22670, § 2, 1-11-06; Ord. No. 23776, § 1, 3-24-10; Ord. No. 24240, § I, 3-28-12)