§ 40-62. Permitted uses.  

Latest version.
  • In B-1 Districts only the following uses of property shall be permitted:


    Boat houses and boat docks for recreational purposes.


    Churches and temples.


    Clubs, private or service, provided the following criteria are met:


    Lot area shall be a minimum of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet.


    Clubs with recreational uses such as tennis courts, swimming pools, golf courses, but not to include stadiums or athletic fields, shall have a minimum lot area of five (5) acres.


    The required setback of all buildings shall be a minimum distance of fifty (50) feet, measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the nearest exterior structural wall of the building to the lot line when abutting property zoned residentially.


    Approval is obtained from the Jefferson Parish Council in accordance with Article XL, Special Permitted Uses.


    Clubs approved under this provision shall be recognized as conforming uses.


    Farming, including the usual farm buildings and structures, and animal raising, trapping and fishing.


    Golf courses and golf practice ranges.


    Home occupations.


    Libraries and museums, community centers, and buildings used exclusively by the federal, state or local government for public purposes except correctional institutions or mental hospitals.


    Private and public parks or playgrounds. All athletic fields and stadiums must meet applicable additional criteria set forth in section 40-747, Regulations for stadiums and athletic fields.


    Private gardens, truck gardens, greenhouses and nurseries for the propagation and cultivation of plants, only when such plants, flowers and produce are not offered for sale.


    Public buildings and institutions of a religious eleemosynary, philanthropic or similar natures.


    Public and private forests, wildlife reservations or similar conservation projects.


    Schools, elementary, junior high or high, provided the following criteria are met:


    Lot area shall be a minimum of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet.


    The required setback of all buildings shall be a minimum distance of fifty (50) feet, measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the nearest exterior structural wall of the building to the lot line when abutting property zoned residentially and twenty-five (25) feet to the lot line when abutting a right-of-way or property zoned non-residentially.


    Notwithstanding the regulations regarding non-conforming uses, any school in existence on the effective date shall not be required to meet the above setback criteria for new construction, additions or alterations to the buildings on campus. Instead, new construction, additions or alterations shall meet the setbacks required by the zoning district.


    Athletic fields and stadiums must meet applicable additional criteria set forth in section 40-747, Regulations for stadiums and athletic fields.


    Government structures and land.


    Public utility structures. See Article XXXIX, Exceptions and Modifications, for additional criteria.


    Riding stables and kennels when located on a tract of at least ten (10) acres and having no structure, pen, or corral housing animals closer than two hundred (200) feet to a property line.




    Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses.

(Ord. No. 20783, § 3(V-A(2)), 9-22-99; Ord. No. 22962, § 2, 1-10-07; Ord. No. 23898, § 2, 10-13-10; Ord. No. 24364, § V, 11-7-12)