§ 40-84. Landscaping standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Applicability. Section 33-6.25, Landscaping, buffering, and screening, shall apply for non-residential principal uses to new development, or to an existing development when a change in use results in an increase in the number of required parking spaces or when an addition to an existing principal building is fifty (50) percent or more of the existing square footage of the building.


    Compliance with landscaping requirements shall be shown on a site plan submitted to the planning department for approval by the planning director in accordance with section 33-2.25, Site plan, in Article 2, Procedures, of Chapter 33, UDC, of this Code; however, if the non-residential use requires the approval of the parish council, then these landscaping requirements and any other applicable requirements must be shown on a site plan for council approval.


    A change in use resulting in increased required parking or an addition of fifty (50) percent of more of an existing building shall result in compliance with these landscaping standards to the maximum extent practicable given the constraints of the site.

(Ord. No. 24807 , § IV, 8-27-14; Ord. No. 24989 , § XI, 8-12-15; Ord. No. 25405 , § 45, 8-9-17)