§ 40-178. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this article the following words are defined as follows:

    Base of tree shall mean the area delineated by the circumference of the tree trunk at its widest point at or near ground level.

    Certification shall mean a written statement signed by the licensed professional making the statement and, as applicable, attesting to the accuracy of information ascertained by the licensed professional or provided by another person.

    Construction activities shall mean any type of activity that could have a detrimental effect on any trees existing on the site or abutting the site, including but not limited to, construction of accessory buildings, addition to any structure, any fence permit, removal of a tree, clearing or filling of lot, demolition of any structure, new structure, paving of a driveway or any portion of a lot, swimming pools or spas, or trenching for utilities. Routine maintenance of trees shall not be considered a construction activity. Construction activities are further broken into two (2) types of activity:


    Minor construction activity shall include fences; trenching for utilities; driveway paving; additions, alterations, demolition, and renovation less than twenty-five (25) percent of the total square footage of the main structure; and interior renovations. Any activity that otherwise may be considered minor construction activity as defined in this article, but that necessitates the removal of a protected tree or negatively impacts the Root Protection Zone of a protected tree outside the uncontested removal area, shall be considered major construction activity for the purposes of this article.


    Major construction activity shall include clearing or filling a lot; tree removal; swimming pools or spas; paving other than driveways; total demolition or new construction; new accessory structures; additions, alterations, demolition, and renovation over twenty-five (25) percent of the total structures.

    Diameter at breast height (dbh) shall mean the diameter of a tree measured four and one-half (4½) feet above the ground level for existing trees. Diameter at breast height may appear as the abbreviation "dbh."

    Drip line shall mean the farthest distance away from the trunk that rain or dew will fall directly to the ground from the leaves or branches of the tree.

    Licensed arborist shall mean a person who has a current arborist license from the State of Louisiana.

    Parish arborist shall mean an employee of the Jefferson Parish Department of Parkway or other third party contractor employed by the parish to fulfill the duties of the department of parkway who is a licensed arborist.

    Property owner's agent shall mean a person, authorized by the affidavit of the owner of the property on which a permit is requested, to act on behalf of the property owner only as specified in this article.

    Public property shall mean land, including right-of-way, owned by any government agency—parish, state, or federal.

    Root protection zone shall mean the area within the tree's drip line in which no vehicular movement, construction material storage, disposal or other activities are allowed except in compliance with the tree protection minimum requirements within this article and as contained in a tree protection plan recommended for approval by the parish arborist. Root protection zone may appear as the abbreviation "RPZ."

(Ord. No. 22419, § 2, 2-2-05; Ord. No. 22670, § 4, 1-11-06; Ord. No. 22707, § 1, 3-8-06; Ord. No. 25405 , § 46, 8-9-17)