§ 40-172. Design guidelines.  

Latest version.
  • The design guidelines for the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District shall serve as a model for appropriate design and to acquaint property owners with the character of Old Metairie before any alterations to the property within the district are proposed. The Louisiana Speaks: Pattern Book, prepared for the Louisiana Recovery Authority by Urban Design Associates and released in 2006, shall supplement the design guidelines herein. The pattern book illustrates architectural styles commonly found in Louisiana and is available in electronic format or to review in hardcopy from the Planning Department of the Parish of Jefferson. Property owners or their design professionals shall use the design guidelines herein and the latest edition of the pattern book as a resource of guidelines for development and redevelopment within the Old Metairie Conservation District. The Old Metairie Commission shall use the design guidelines herein and the latest edition of the pattern book to identify elements deemed important and appropriate for the district in reviewing proposed alterations and construction, and as a basis for commission recommendations. This article recognizes the variety of architectural style in Old Metairie and that the guidelines contained herein may not be appropriate for all development proposals within the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District.


    General elements . The general elements of the design guidelines for the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District contained herein shall be intended primarily for review of residential structures within the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District. The general design guidelines may be applied to other land uses when appropriate.


    For all structures .


    Setbacks and streetscape . The Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District shall preserve the open character of the area or streetscape, established by the generally uniform setback of structures from the street and from other structures on both sides of the street within a linear distance of five hundred (500) feet.


    Setbacks for new developments shall be set by the underlying zoning district.


    Accessory structures and uses, including accessory buildings that are not raised, within the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District shall follow the front, side and rear yard setbacks set for permitted uses in the underlying zoning district.


    The open character of the existing streetscape set by the spacing between houses and by spacing between structures and the street shall be preserved.


    Notwithstanding regulations in Chapter 33 which require that the lot frontage having the shortest distance shall be the front for setback purposes, the lot frontage which was the front lot line of the prior development shall remain the front for the purposes of determining setback requirements for corner lots. Requests for variances to the lot orientation shall be heard by the board of zoning adjustments in accordance with the regulations of this chapter.


    Building over lot lines shall be prohibited in the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District. Development sites within the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District with multiple lots shall be required to resubdivide into one (1) lot of record prior to the issuance of a building permit. Setback requirements shall be set by the new single lot created by the subdivision.


    Prior to the demolition of any structure situated over multiple lot lines within the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District, a resubdivision into one (1) lot or lots meeting the underlying zoning district lot area standards shall be required.


    Porches, decks, solid fences and other additions shall be located so as not to intrude into the front yard or open character of the streetscape between structures and the street.


    Circular drives shall not be allowed within the side yard required by the underlying zoning district and shall be permitted on lots with a minimum frontage of seventy (70) feet.


    Height . To encourage harmonious residential development within the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District and to prevent structures from overwhelming their surroundings, the following height regulations shall apply:


    Flat roofs .


    Balustrades and other decorative railings with open design may exceed the maximum building height permitted in this article only as high as needed to meet requirements of applicable building codes.


    Equipment, including but not limited to air conditioning units, skylights, solar panels, and vents, may exceed the maximum building height permitted in this article but shall be set back from the edge of the roof a minimum of one (1) foot for each one (1) of equipment height.


    Decorative elements, including but not limited to finials and weathervanes, that are determined by the planning director to be minor or incidental to the structure may not be included in the overall height measurement of a structure. Structural decorative elements, including but not limited to domes, turrets, and cupolas shall not exceed the maximum height allowed for the principal structure.


    Chimneys shall be no taller than the minimum required by the applicable building codes for the termination of chimneys.


    Sloped roofs .


    Equipment, including but not limited to air conditioning units with required platform and rails, shall be located below the midpoint of the roof. Solar panels and vents may be located above the midpoint of a sloped roof but shall project from the roof only as high as required by applicable building codes.


    Decorative elements, including but not limited to finials and weathervanes, that are determined by the planning director to be minor or incidental to the structure shall not be included in the overall height measurement of a structure. Structural decorative elements, including but not limited to domes, turrets, and cupolas shall not extend higher than the ridge height of the largest portion of the roof.


    Chimneys shall be no taller than the minimum required by the residential building code for the termination of chimneys when located above the ridge of the largest portion of the roof.


    Mass . To encourage development that is similar to and compatible with the existing structure and neighboring structures, the following regulations shall apply:


    Relating to existing structures .


    Any addition to a structure shall preserve the existing symmetry or asymmetry and shall incorporate roof style and pitch compatible with the existing structure.


    The vertical or horizontal proportion of the building mass of the structure shall be preserved.


    Relating to neighborhood structures .


    The proportion of the structure after alteration or construction shall be compatible with surrounding structures and development sites located on the same side of the street as the petitioned property within a linear distance of three hundred (300) feet from both sides of the petitioned property as measured along the street frontage from the nearest side property line.


    Compatibility review shall include the evaluation of rooflines, setbacks, the relationship between structures located on surrounding development sites and the location of proposed structures as they related to existing structures located on abutting properties.


    Proposed structures and additions .


    No part of a proposed structure or addition to an existing structure, except for minor or incidental projections, shall
    penetrate the lot's façade massing angle and side-yard massing angles.


    If the lot width of an established residential site does not meet the minimum lot width requirements of the zoning district, the site shall be subject to the side-yard massing angle requirements of the following corresponding range, which shall supersede the setback requirement provisions of the underlying zoning district:


    Less than 55 feet: R-1A Side-yard massing angle requirements.


    55 feet to less than 70 feet: R-1B Side-yard massing angle requirements.


    70 feet to less than 80 feet: R-1C Side yard massing angle requirements.


    Minor or incidental projections as determined by the planning director include but shall not be limited to chimneys, ornamental vents, and dormers.


    Gable walls may penetrate a lot's side-yard massing angle only at a point at which the roof has a slope between 7:12 and 12:12. See Figure 40.172.1.

    Figure 40.172.1. Side-Yard Massing Angle
    gable wall exception illustration



    Exterior materials and design. To encourage development that is consistent in character with the existing structure on the site, and to promote architecture that is in harmony with the character of the district and traditional regional architecture, the following regulations regarding finishes shall apply to new development and additions or repairs of significant structures:


    New finish materials for additions or repairs of significant structures shall match the materials, style, and roof pitch of the existing structure.


    Structures shall have similar style and quality windows, doors, trims, and moldings on all exterior elevations.


    Piers, pilings, posts, or columns used as design elements shall be finished with architecturally finished wood or masonry including cement finish stucco, natural cement finish, brick, stone, or similar materials.


    Synthetic stucco shall only be permitted for use as an accent material for architectural details and shall not be used as a main finish material.


    Vinyl siding shall not be permitted.


    Additions and accessory structures. Additions such as porches, fences and decks and accessory structures to the primary structure within the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District may be permitted subject to coordination with the streetscape and the design guidelines of this district.


    Garages and carports. New garages and carports shall incorporate design guidelines stated herein to relate architecturally to the existing, primary structure served within the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District.




    In general.


    Fences shall be permitted in the front yard of structures within the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District after review and recommendation of the Old Metairie Commission and the granting of the variance by the board of zoning adjustments, provided an open design in a durable material is used. Wood and metal picket fences may be used in conjunction with low masonry walls provided the masonry portion is no greater than three (3) feet in height. Chain link fences shall not be permitted when located in the front yard of the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District except as provided for in the temporary fencing section of this article.


    Solid fences or those fences not meeting the above criteria shall not be permitted in the front yard of structures within the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District, but may be used outside the front yard to serve portions of the side yard and the rear yard of the structure.


    Temporary fencing. Temporary fencing surrounding lots or development sites under construction, demolition, or while vacant shall be permitted, however, the following regulations shall apply:


    Chain link fencing shall be permitted to surround lots or development sites only while under construction or demolition and shall be exempt from limitations on front yard fences.


    Construction fencing must be removed after construction is finished or one (1) month after the building permit is no longer valid, whichever is sooner.


    Chain link fencing shall be permitted to secure a vacant lot in the OMNCD with OMC review. The fencing shall not be closer to the street than the nearest front building line of the abutting lots, or the required front yard setback in situations where both abutting lots are vacant. Time limits for security fencing may be established by the OMC when the request receives a recommendation of approval.


    Tree protection fencing, as required by the tree preservation requirements of this district, shall be removed within one (1) month after demolition is completed; however, if less than six (6) months exists between demolition and scheduled construction, the tree protection fencing may remain.


    Porches. Additions or modifications of porches within the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District shall maintain the character of the structure and the streetscape.


    Solid walls shall not be added where none existed.


    Enclosure of porches may maintain the sense of transparency and separation from the structure of the house.




    Decks, if painted or stained, shall match the existing structure.


    Railings, if installed, shall continue the line and spacing of existing balustrades.


    Public infrastructure. Public infrastructure shall refer to utilities and public works within public view of the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District, including but not limited to street light standards, utility poles, street paving, fire hydrants, tree planting, parkways and sidewalks. The Old Metairie Commission may make recommendations that the public infrastructure reinforce the character of the district, however, all public infrastructure within the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District shall be consistent with the needs of public health, safety and welfare and cost considerations. All materials for public utilities and public works shall conform to standard parish specifications. Any recommendation to install materials or employ an alternate method of construction which exceeds this standard shall only be made if the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District bears the difference in expense from funds donated to the district. Any review of a public project shall not exceed thirty (30) days.


    New construction. New construction shall contribute to the character of the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District as identified by design guidelines. New construction need not imitate historic structures and may be an expression of present time.


    For raised dwellings. In addition to design guidelines for all structures, the following design guidelines shall apply only to raised dwellings:


    Height allowance.


    In general. To encourage the elevation of livable area for flood protection, a height allowance may be added to the maximum height permitted for dwellings in the underlying zoning district. Accessory structures shall not be eligible for the height allowance provided for in this article. Height allowances shall be permitted with the restrictions provided for in this section, in addition to the fill and foundation requirements provided for in this article.


    Allowance measurement. The maximum height allowance shall be equal to the difference between the flood elevation measurement, as defined in this article, and eighteen (18) inches above the crown of the street or base flood elevation, as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps Community No. 225199, whichever is higher, and shall be further regulated by the "Eligibility and limitations" requirements of this section. See Figure 40.172.1, Height allowance illustration.



    Eligibility and limitations.


    The height allowance shall be permitted only when the top of the floor of the lowest livable area is raised higher than eighteen (18) inches above the crown of the street or base flood elevation, as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps Community No. 225199, whichever is higher.


    To receive a height allowance, the flood elevation measurement, as defined in this article, shall be higher in elevation than eighteen (18) inches above the crown of the street or base flood elevation, as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Flood Insurance Rate Maps Community No. 225199, whichever is higher.


    The top of the floor of the lowest livable area may be raised above the flood elevation measurement, as defined in this article; however, the distance the top of the floor of the lowest livable area is raised above the flood elevation measurement shall not count toward the height allowance.


    The applicant may choose to add none or a portion of the height allowance.


    Mass. To reduce the impacts of the increased mass associated with elevated dwellings that exceed the maximum height permitted in the underlying zoning district, the following regulations shall apply to all elevated dwellings that exceed thirty-five (35) feet:


    Front landscaping. To soften the visual impacts of raised dwellings, landscaping shall be located in the front yard adjacent to the raised structure.


    Front yard tree planting. The applicant shall be responsible for planting one (1) tree in the front yard of said property in accordance with the landscaping requirements of this district; however, if the applicant is required to plant a replacement tree(s) per the landscaping requirements of this district, one (1) replacement tree may be planted in the front yard to satisfy this requirement.


    Architectural treatment. To promote architecture that is in harmony with the character of the district and traditional regional architecture, and to mitigate any negative impacts of raised dwellings designed for flood protection, the following criteria shall apply:


    Complementary finishes. The exterior façades below the top of the floor of the lowest livable area of raised dwellings shall be architecturally finished to most closely resemble or complement the exterior finish of the façade of the livable area above. Examples of architecture finishes include but are not limited to decorative brickwork, lattice, wood, Hardiplank, natural cement finish, or cement finish stucco.


    Complementary design elements. The exterior façades below the top of the floor of the lowest livable area of raised dwellings shall be designed with similar style and quality windows, doors, trims, and moldings on all exterior building elevations.


    Open area beneath raised dwellings. Dwellings with the top of the floor of the lowest livable area elevated three (3) feet or less above grade may leave the façade beneath the livable area open.


    Spacing of piers, pilings, posts, or columns. The location and spacing of piers, pilings, posts, or columns shall be positioned to reflect the location and spacing of existing architectural treatments, where structurally possible.


    For raised accessory buildings. To harmoniously incorporate elevated accessory buildings, the following design guidelines shall apply to raised accessory buildings in addition to design guidelines for all structures:


    Area requirements.


    The required side yard of the underlying zoning district shall be met; however, no raised accessory building shall be located closer than five (5) feet from any side lot line.


    The required rear yard shall be a minimum depth equal to fifty (50) percent of the depth of the rear yard required by the underlying zoning district; however, no raised accessory building shall be located closer than five (5) feet from any rear lot line.


    Neighborhood elements. The neighborhood elements of the design guidelines for the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District contained herein shall include characteristics unique to Old Metairie which define the ambience of the area and merit special consideration.


    Tree preservation. The Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District shall recognize the critical contribution of the vast number of large trees and the tree canopy to the character of the district. To ensure adequate tree preservation, the following regulations shall be enforced:


    Preservation District Regulations. All development shall comply with the tree preservation regulations of Article X.5 Metairie Ridge Tree Preservation District (MRTPD) except for the following:


    Tree preservation as part of development activity under the purview of the Old Metairie Commission or the planning director:


    Tree preservation associated with applications for demolition, construction or new development, alteration, or addition shall be submitted with an OMNCD application to the planning department, which shall be the repository for these application materials, rather than the department of inspection and code enforcement; and


    The review and approval process for tree preservation shall follow standard OMNCD procedures; and


    The uncontested tree removal area regulations of section 40-180(d) shall not apply.


    Requests for tree removal only applications. Applications for tree removal only in the OMNCD shall follow the same procedure as outlined in section 40-181, including submittal requirements, deadlines, and fees. If the parish arborist determines that the requested tree(s) should not be removed, the applicant must submit an application to the planning department for Old Metairie Commission review.


    Payments in lieu of on-site tree replacement shall be paid to the department of parkway and shall be placed in a special account dedicated to the planting or maintenance of trees on public property within the OMNCD, with second priority given to the Metairie Ridge Tree Preservation District, and third priority given to Council District Five (5). Payments shall be paid prior to the Old Metairie Commission forwarding its recommendation to the Jefferson Parish Council.


    Payments in lieu of on-site tree replacement shall be paid to the department of parkway and shall be placed in a special account dedicated to the planting or maintenance of trees on public property within the OMNCD, with second priority given to the Metairie Ridge Tree Preservation District, and third priority given to Council District Five (5). Payments shall be paid prior to the Old Metairie Commission forwarding its recommendation to the Jefferson Parish Council.


    Northline Avenue Tree Canopy. The Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District shall seek to preserve the massive trees and the canopy formed on the parish median of Northline Avenue, which forms a dramatic gateway into the heart of the Old Metairie Neighborhood Conservation District and distinguishes the architecture of the surrounding residential development.

(Ord. No. 23201, § 2, 12-12-07; Ord. No. 23250, § 2, 2-13-08; Ord. No. 24169, § IV, 12-7-11; Ord. No. 24640, § V, 1-15-14; Ord. No. 24823 , § IV, 9-17-14)