§ 40-321. Description.  

Latest version.
  • This district is composed of certain lands and structures used primarily to provide for the retailing of goods and the furnishing of selected services. Regulations for the district are intended to permit and encourage full development of the necessary commercial uses while at the same time protecting nearby residential areas from possible adverse effects of the commercial activity. It is expected that future commercial uses requiring this district classification will occur as planned compact shopping centers located in proximity to the residential areas to be served. At such time as development of presently undeveloped areas of the parish warrants the provision of additional commercial facilities, the planning director and the planning advisory board will evaluate applications for such neighborhood commercial districts on the basis of the requirements described below. Upon finding by the planning director and the planning advisory board that an area is suitable for and in need of a neighborhood commercial district, the area may be zoned, provided, however, that a time limit may be placed on the zoning action to insure that development of the commercial structure will be carried out within a reasonable time. This limitation is important since a distinguishing feature of the district is the necessity for the actual development to provide the surrounding residential area with the commercial facilities and services essential to stable neighborhoods. In no case will the neighborhood commercial district exceed a maximum area of ten (10) acres. Conditions of fact to be determined by the planning director and the planning advisory board as a basis for neighborhood commercial C-1 classification.


    That the neighborhood commercial district as proposed will not adversely affect the abutting residential areas.


    That the site development plan of the neighborhood commercial district provides for adequate vehicular and pedestrian access and circulation, and that the resulting concentration of traffic will not present problems of safety or impede normal traffic movement on adjacent streets.


    That the need for such neighborhood commercial district is justified on the basis of facts submitted by the applicant, which clearly indicate that a present or potential market exists for the facilities and services proposed, and that existing zoned neighborhood commercial districts cannot adequately satisfy these needs.

(Ord. No. 20783, § 3(XIII(1)), 9-22-99)