§ 40-342. Permitted uses.  

Latest version.
  • In GO-1 Districts only the following uses of property shall be permitted:


    One (1) or more dwelling units are allowed in the main structure containing nonresidential uses permitted in this district provided the following criteria are met:


    Separate ingresses and egresses shall be provided for the residential uses and the nonresidential uses.


    In addition to the requirements in Article XXXV, Off-Street Parking, Loading, and Clear Vision Area Regulations, parking spaces for the nonresidential uses and residential uses shall be segregated and clearly defined.


    The front, side, and rear yard requirements shall be based on the nonresidential use on the lot.


    No dwelling units are allowed in structures containing nonresidential uses that operate between the hours of midnight and 6:00 a.m. or use, sell, or store hazardous materials as classified in chapter 13 fire prevention and protection; emergency services and communication of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, more particularly section 13-7(a) entitled classes of hazardous substances.


    Banks and homesteads.


    Beauty and barber shops.


    Clinic, medical, dental, chiropractic, or an establishment operated by a massage therapist both of which are licensed and registered pursuant to LSA R.S. 37:3551 et seq.


    Commercial body art facilities.


    Data processing center.


    Florist shops.


    General and professional offices, in which wares and merchandise are not stored or exchanged or sold.


    Government structures and land.


    Laboratories, medical and dental.


    Multiple-family dwellings.


    Elderly housing and assisted living facility provided the following minimum criteria are met:


    A site plan and other drawings showing the name of the development and the density (units per acre) are to be submitted to the department of inspection and code enforcement containing the following minimum information:


    The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed streets, driveways, entrances and exits, loading areas, parking spaces and sidewalks.


    The existing property boundary of the site and all adjoining street rights-of-way, north point, date and scale of site plan.


    The location, height and elevations of all structures to be located on the site showing setback dimensions, use and type of materials.


    The total area of the site (square feet or acres) indicating the total area to be used for open or green spaces, exclusive of parking area, on the site.


    The floor plans of all structures and their uses to be located on the site showing main floor, typical floors, the layout of individual units and also providing the total number of residential units and any additional accessory uses together with their floor area in square feet.


    The lighting plan of the site showing types of fixtures and their location.


    The landscaping plan in conformance with section 33-6.25, Landscaping, buffering, and screening.


    The details of all signs indicating the size, height, materials and their locations on the building or development site, which meet the requirements of the zoning district in which the facility is located or the Commercial Parkway Overlay Zone (CPZ), section 40-477, Sign Regulations, whichever is more restrictive.


    The emergency systems/plan for fire and evacuation, and the location of the fire plugs on the site.


    The location of the trash disposal system with the details of its screening.


    The parking layout showing the number of required and proposed parking.


    Additional information may be required by the department of inspection and code enforcement depending on the nature and extent of the proposed facility including but not limited to application for state license.


    Any facility requiring a variance to the landscaping and buffering requirements specified above may apply for a variance to these provisions to the Jefferson Parish Council in accordance with CPZ Site Plan Review, section 40-480.


    For the purposes of this district, elderly housing and assisted living facilities with culinary facilities in each dwelling unit that exceed the maximum height allowed by right shall be subject to the criteria for multiple-family dwellings that exceed the maximum height allowed by right in this district.


    Private clubs.


    Public utility structures. See article XXXIX, exceptions and modifications, for additional criteria.


    Radio studios and broadcasting stations provided the following criteria are met:


    That the height of any relay tower cannot exceed ten (10) feet above the building roof line or sixty-five (65) feet in height, whichever is less.


    That all relay towers be located a minimum distance of one hundred (100) feet from a residential district.


    A site plan has been submitted showing the location of any generator and further that the generator cannot be located so as to face a residential district (no openings) and should be screened and soundproofed to reduce visibility and noise.


    Transmitting towers are strictly prohibited in the GO-1 District.


    That all stations and studios be licensed by the Federal Government's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for commercial broadcasting.


    Restaurants, retail and service facilities within an office building containing at least twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of floor area devoted to office uses, or a multiple dwelling with one hundred (100) or more rental units or dwelling units, such facilities to have no exterior entrances or exits other than in accordance with the specifications set forth in this article.

    Control of entrances and exits where these regulations specify that there shall be no exterior entrances or exits to retail and service facilities, the general intent is that there shall be no exterior evidence of the existence of such use, and for this purpose, the entrance or exit shall be located so that it shall not be visible from any street, walk, or other public way.


    Child care centers provided the following criteria are met:


    The structure shall contain thirty-five (35) square feet of indoor play space per child.


    The site shall include seventy-five (75) square feet of outdoor play space per child.


    At least half of the outdoor play space provided shall consist of trees, shrubs, and grass, exclusive of paving.


    The outdoor play area shall be enclosed by a seven-foot high fence constructed of wood, brick or masonry.


    The parking lot ingress and egress is designed with emphasis on safety with separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.


    A site plan of the proposed facility indicating the location, dimensions and area of proposed structures, outdoor play area, landscaping, fences, parking spaces, parking aisles, and ingress and egress patterns.


    State licensing procedures must be completed before a certificate of use and occupancy may be issued by the department of inspection and code enforcement.


    Submittal requirements: The applicant shall submit those materials required by the parish to the department of inspection and code enforcement. Such submittal materials shall sufficiently detail the proposed child care center as it relates to the above criteria.


    Special permitted use:


    For those child care centers not meeting the criteria outlined above due to site related or other hardships, site plan review and council approval in accordance with article XL, special permitted uses, shall be required.


    Submittal requirements. The applicant shall submit those materials required by the parish for the special permitted use to the department of planning. Such submittal materials shall sufficiently detail the proposed child care center as it relates to the above criteria.


    Child care centers provided the following criteria are met:


    The structure shall contain thirty-five (35) square feet of indoor play space per child.


    The site shall include seventy-five (75) square feet of outdoor play space per child.


    At least half of the outdoor play space provided shall consist of trees, shrubs, and grass, exclusive of paving.


    The outdoor play area shall be enclosed by a seven-foot high fence constructed of wood, brick or masonry.


    The parking lot ingress and egress is designed with emphasis on safety with separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.


    A site plan of the proposed facility indicating the location, dimensions and area of proposed structures, outdoor play area, landscaping, fences, parking spaces, parking aisles, and ingress and egress patterns.


    State licensing procedures must be completed before a certificate of use and occupancy may be issued by the department of inspection and code enforcement.


    Submittal requirements: The applicant shall submit those materials required by the parish to the department of inspection and code enforcement. Such submittal materials shall sufficiently detail the proposed child care center as it relates to the above criteria.


    Special permitted use:


    For those child care centers not meeting the criteria outlined above due to site related or other hardships, site plan review and council approval in accordance with article XL, special permitted uses, shall be required.


    Submittal requirements. The applicant shall submit those materials required by the parish for the special permitted use to the department of planning. Such submittal materials shall sufficiently detail the proposed child care center as it relates to the above criteria.


    Tailor, milliner, alterationist or similar business employing not more than five (5) persons on the premises and which does not engage in the sale of ready-to-wear garments.

(Ord. No. 20783, § 3(XIII-A(2)), 9-22-99; Ord. No. 21715, § 3, 11-13-02; Ord. No. 22794, § 7, 7-19-06; Ord. No. 23330, § XIV, 6-11-08; Ord. No. 23292, § 15, 5-7-08; Ord. No. 23906, § 1, 11-3-10; Ord. No. 23954, § 2, 2-2-11; Ord. No. 25405 , § 58, 8-9-17; Ord. No. 25349 , § 6, 5-3-17; Ord. No. 25513 , § 12, 2-21-18)