§ 40-616. Landscape and buffer requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    The first twenty (20) feet from any property line which abuts an improved public street shall be landscaped and buffered by trees, shrubs, earth berms, or a combination of the same. In no event shall such buffer be less than seven (7) feet in height.


    Within the required setback areas, existing vegetation shall not be disturbed or removed except for paved access areas, landscaping, and security fencing.


    A minimum seven-foot solid fence shall be provided around the operations. The fence shall not be located within the required setback area.


    In the event any of the above regulations related to landscaping and buffering are in conflict with other local, state, or federal regulations, the more restrictive shall govern.

(Ord. No. 21787, § 3, 2-26-03; Ord. No. 24364, § XLVII, 11-7-12)