§ 40-642. Permitted uses.  

Latest version.
  • In U-1R Districts, only the following uses of property shall be permitted, provided that any use located on the unprotected side of the Pontchartrain and Vicinity Hurricane Protection Levee, the West Bank and Vicinity Hurricane Protection Levee, the Mississippi River and Tributaries Flood Protection Levee and the Jefferson Parish Urban Growth Limit Line, as established in section 25-43 and regulated in section 25-44 of this Code, shall be subject to the regulations of section 39-10 Parish Infrastructure and Environmental Review (PIER) certificate required:


    A building or land may be used for any purpose whatsoever not in conflict with any ordinance of the Parish of Jefferson with the exception of hazardous, radioactive or nuclear waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities, and uses described in section 40-612(2), which shall not be permitted under any condition and the following uses which shall be permitted only with the approval of the Jefferson Parish Council, and only when not located within three hundred (300) feet of any use other than commercial or industrial. Bed and breakfast, as defined in this chapter, shall comply with the standards of Article XXXIX, Exceptions and Modifications, section 40-753, regulations for bed and breakfasts.


    Acetylene gas or similar explosives and inflammable manufacture or storage, except dissolved acetylene in approved interstate commerce commission cylinders.


    Acid manufacture.


    Alcohol manufacture.


    Ammonia, bleaching powder, or chlorine manufacture.




    Explosives, manufacture or storage.


    Fireworks or explosives, storage or manufacture.


    Fish smoking or curing.


    Gas manufacture.


    In general all uses which may be offensive or obnoxious by reason of emission of odor, dust, smoke, gas, excessive glare, light or noise or vibration.


    Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the above uses.


    The wrecking, dismantling or junking of automobiles and/or other vehicles for wrecking, dismantling or junking or the salvaging or selling of part therefrom.


    Clay extraction and borrow pit operations provided the following minimum criteria are met:


    Any site considered for clay extraction or borrow pit operations shall have a minimum area of twenty (20) acres.


    Notices shall be posted at intervals no greater than one hundred (100) feet along the property boundaries and along any public rights-of-way that shall warn of the excavation or borrow pit operation on the property and against trespassing on such property.


    The excavation sites or borrow pit may not be located closer than two thousand (2,000) feet from any existing residential structure or any platted residential subdivision boundary.


    The excavation sites or borrow pit may not be located closer than two thousand (2,000) feet from any existing or abandoned excavation site or borrow pit as measured in a straight line between excavation sites.


    No excavation site or borrow pit shall be closer than one hundred fifty (150) feet to any property line. Within this reserved perimeter buffer area, existing vegetation shall not be disturbed or removed except for paved access areas and required landscaping and buffering.


    No excavation site or borrow pit shall occupy or disturb more than fifty (50) percent of the site.


    All excavation sites or borrow pits shall be secured with a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire with a minimum height of six (6) feet and a self-closing gate with a locking device at each opening to prevent unauthorized access to the site.


    All areas of operation shall be completely screened from view from public rights-of-way and adjacent properties by trees and shrubs, fences, walls or earth berms or any combination thereof.


    All excavation sites or borrow pits shall allow for and preserve the historic topographical drainage of the area. In so complying, the applicant shall in no way increase drainage and/or runoff water to or from any adjacent property.


    All excavation sites will be required to maintain a side slope of one (1) foot vertical drop for three (3) feet horizontal run to a depth of ten (10) feet.


    Hauling during the period of operation requires all trucks with loads of material exiting the site shall be covered with their tailgates securely latched. In addition all exiting trucks and trailers will be hosed down of excess mud and dirt on tires, wheels and vehicle.


    Vehicular access to the excavation site or borrow pit may not be provided from residential local or residential collector streets. All driveways which serve the site must be wide enough to accommodate two-way traffic at all times and an area on the site must be provided to accommodate vehicles entering the site so that no traffic waiting to enter the site will be backed up on any public right-of-way. Excess mud and debris shall be removed from any public roadway at intervals necessary to keep the roadway clear and safe for passage at all times within one half (½) mile in both directions of the entrance to the site.


    Excavation sites or borrow pits may not be operated on Sunday, and may not operate earlier than 7:00 a.m. nor later than 6:00 p.m. on any other day except in cases of emergency involving safety on the site.


    The borrow pit shall not be used for the disposal of any material not originally found in the borrow pit or approved by the Director of the Jefferson Parish Department of Environmental Affairs and the Department of Public Works.


    Closed or abandoned excavation sites or borrow pits shall be reclaimed or filled with sand or other approved material to the pre-excavation elevation unless incorporated into a platted subdivision or other permitted use within the district, as a water feature within the development site. Filling will begin within six (6) months of abandonment of operations. Development plans must be approved within twelve (12) months of the abandonment of the operation. The fencing and screening requirements shall be maintained until all improvements are in place and accepted by Jefferson Parish at which time the fencing, screening and complete filling requirements will not be required.


    A bond shall be posted equal to one hundred ten (110) percent of the cost to fill the excavated site.


    Approval is obtained from the Jefferson Parish Council in accordance with Article XL, Special Permitted Uses.


    Existing clay extraction or borrow pit operations that initiate new excavations after the passage of these regulations shall be subject to all the above criteria for the new operation.


    Truck stops with criteria listed in Article XXX, Industrial District M-1.


    Off-track wagering facilities with the criteria listed in article XXX, industrial district M-1 of this chapter.

(Ord. No. 20783, § 3(XVII(2)), 9-22-99; Ord. No. 21787, § 4, 2-26-03; Ord. No. 23167, § 2, 11-14-07; Ord. No. 24545, § VI, 4-14-13; Ord. No. 24823 , § XXIII, 9-17-14; Ord. No. 25020 , § XIV, 10-7-15; Ord. No. 25513 , § 17, 2-21-18)