§ 40-739. Exceptions to area regulations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Where a lot, tract or parcel of land has an area or frontage of less than the minimum requirements for the district in which it is located, but was a lot of record in separate ownership from adjacent property at the time of passage of Ordinance #5687, such lot, tract, or parcel may be used only for single-family residential purposes or for any nonresidential purpose permitted in the district in which the property is located.


    Campuses . All lots comprising a campus may be used to meet minimum lot area or parking requirements, provided that the campus complies with the following criteria:


    Calculation .


    Lots comprising a campus shall be uninterrupted by lots affiliated with other uses not associated with the campus.


    Notwithstanding the definition of campus, a campus may be interrupted by public right(s)-of-way if at least fifty (50) percent of the frontage of each lot is located directly across the public right-of-way from another lot comprising the campus, as measured in a straight line perpendicular to the property line.


    No lot comprising the campus shall be less than five thousand (5,000) square feet.


    Path system required . A continuous sidewalk or path system shall connect the campus' lots and include at least one (1) pedestrian crosswalk across any street that interrupts the campus subject to State or Parish approval, as applicable.


    Dedication .


    Campus lot areas and parking shall be shown on a site plan. Lot area and parking shall be established by notation on the plan as well as in the ordinance adopting said plan, if an ordinance is required.


    A campus interrupted by public right(s)-of-way shall be established by a recorded dedication on a form approved by the department of inspection and code enforcement, a stamped copy of which shall be provided to said department before the site plan is approved.


    Dedication of lot area or parking shall contain a clause stating that said dedication shall be valid until revoked in writing by the director of inspection and code enforcement.

(Ord. No. 20783, § 3(XX(4)), 9-22-99; Ord. No. 24807 , § XLV, 8-27-14)