§ 40-750. Regulation of portable storage units (PSU).  

Latest version.
  • PSU's are allowed in all zoning districts subject to the following requirements:


    For all uses each PSU:


    Shall be placed on concrete, asphalt, or other hard surface unless this placement will obstruct the site's required off-street parking.


    Shall be maintained in good condition, free from evidence of deterioration, weathering, discoloration, graffiti, rust, ripping, tearing or other holes or breaks.


    Shall not block a sidewalk, extend into any public right-of-way, or block access to any fire hydrant.


    For retail stores and establishments, PSUs may occupy the parking lot in an area not exceeding five (5) percent of the required off-street parking between the dates of November 1 st and January 5 th of each year.


    For dwellings, one (1) PSU is allowed for every four (4) dwelling units on a single development site, provided that each PSU:


    Shall not exceed a length of twenty (20) feet, width of eight (8) feet, and height of ten (10) feet.


    Shall have the portable storage unit's company name and phone number clearly visible. A PSU shall not display any advertising except for the PSU company.


    Shall remain on site no longer than thirty (30) consecutive days, except that the director of inspection and code enforcement may grant the following extensions:


    Until an active building permit expires if the PSU is serving a legitimate need associated with the building permit.


    For an additional consecutive fifteen (15) days, if the property owner or agent submits an extension in writing, and the director determines that a hardship exists and the granting of the extension will not be contrary to safety or the public interest, will not adversely affect property values, or will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity.


    May be retrofitted into an accessory structure, provided that no more than one (1) PSU is allowed per development site and that each PSU:


    Shall not exceed a length of twenty (20) feet, width of eight (8) feet, and height of ten (10) feet.


    Shall meet any building code and setback requirements for accessory structures.


    Shall be located entirely within the rear yard area of a site.


    Shall meet the screening requirements provided in section 40-661(g) (7) if located on a corner development site.

(Ord. No. 24687, § II, 3-19-14)