§ 40-661. General requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Location of required parking spaces except as may otherwise be provided in this section, shall be located as provided below. For the purpose of this subsection (a), one-family, two-family, three-family, four-family dwellings, condominiums, and townhouses shall be considered residential uses, and the following zoning districts shall be considered non-residential districts: GO-2 General Office District, GO-1 General Office District, H-1 Medical Service District, H-2 Medical Service District, BC-1 Business Core District, C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District, BC-2 Business Core District, C-2 General Commercial District, OW-1 Office Warehouse District, M-1 Industrial District, M-2 Industrial District, M-3 Industrial District, U-1R Unrestricted Rural District, U-1S Unrestricted Suburban District, P-1 Penal and Criminal Correctional Institution District, MUCD Mixed Use Corridor District, and GED Gaming District.


    Residential uses in all districts. Required parking spaces for residential uses in all zoning districts shall:


    Be located on the same lot as the principal use;


    Not be located in the required front yard area, except as provided in (j) below; and


    In cases where the residential use fronts a street with a right-of-way less than fifty (50) feet in width, be located no less than forty-five (45) feet from the centerline of the street, except as provided in (j) below.


    Permitted non-residential uses in residential districts. Required parking spaces for non-residential uses permitted and located in residential zoning districts shall:


    Not be located in the required front yard;


    Conform to the parking requirements provided for in the appropriate residential zoning district; and


    Be located on the same lot as the principal use, or may be located off-site in accordance with section 33-6.35.4, Off-site parking, of this Code.


    Non-residential uses in non-residential districts. Required parking spaces for non-residential uses in non-residential zoning districts shall be located on the same lot as the principal use, or may be located off-site in accordance with section 33-6.35.4, Off-site parking, of this Code.


    On any residential site, school buses may be parked on private property subject to the following conditions:


    Only school buses shall be allowed to park on a residential site. No other type of bus shall be permitted to park on a residential site.


    A school bus must be registered to a resident of the residential site on which the school bus is parked. No more than one (1) registered school bus shall be parked on the residential site. Households with two (2) school bus drivers, each with a registered school bus functioning as of the effective date of this ordinance, shall be allowed to continue to park a maximum of two (2) school buses per residential site in accordance with the following regulations.


    Each school bus shall be parked outside of the front yard area within the rear or side yard area only, excluding the side yard of corner lots on the side of the residential site abutting the side street. A side yard of an interior lot that is used to accommodate the parking of a school bus shall be at least nine (9) feet.


    Parking of the school buses shall not occupy the required off-street parking space on a residential site.


    Each school bus must be screened by an opaque wood, brick, masonry, or living fence with a minimum height of seven (7) feet.


    No junked, derelict, or inoperable school buses shall be parked on a residential site.


    School buses shall not be parked on any street immediately adjacent to any residential site in accordance with section 36-161 of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances.


    Minor repairs and maintenance shall be screened so as not to be visible from the street and shall only be conducted in the side or rear yard outside of the area between the front property line and the front line of the main building. Any repairs and maintenance shall be conducted so as not to cause excessive noise or odor, and shall only be conducted between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Only the following minor repairs and maintenance may be conducted by residents on school buses authorized to be parked on a residential site:


    Exterior and interior cleaning of the bus;


    Replacing of windshield wiper blades;


    Replacing of light bulbs or other signaling devices;


    Replacing of batteries and belts;


    Changing or topping off of fluids, in compliance with section 16-10.2 of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, which prohibits the dumping of trash, debris, greases and oils into catch basins and drainage culverts;


    Changing of tires, not to include breaking down or repair of tires; and


    Replacement of brake shoes and pads.


    For the purpose of this section, the term "residential site" shall mean a single lot or parcel of land, under single ownership with continuous frontage, and which is improved with a residential dwelling.


    Nothing contained in these regulations shall prohibit a religious institution or school from parking school buses, owned by the religious institution or school or operated under contract to the religious institution or school, on the religious institution or school grounds.


    Parking requirements for two (2) or more uses, either accessory or principal, of the same or different type may be satisfied by the allocation of a common or collective parking facility. Such facility shall not be less than the sum of the requirements for the individual uses computed separately except as provided for in section 40-664.


    Area reserved for off-street parking or loading in accordance with the provisions of this section shall not be reduced in area or changed to any other use unless the permitted use which it serves is discontinued or modified except where equivalent off-street parking or loading space is provided, except as provided in (j) below.


    Parking garages as either a stand-alone or as an accessory use shall not be permitted in any district more restrictive than CD-R, unless specifically listed within the district regulations.


    For uses not specifically mentioned in this section, the requirements for off-street parking and loading facilities for a similar use specifically mentioned in this section shall apply.


    Recreational vehicles and recreational watercraft may be parked or stored on the sites of single-, two-, three-, or four-family dwellings including manufactured homes and townhouses, subject to the following conditions:


    At no time shall parked or stored recreational vehicles and recreational watercraft be occupied or used for living, sleeping, or housekeeping purposes.


    Setback requirements:


    Recreational vehicles and recreational watercraft not parked or stored inside of a fully enclosed garage shall be parked or stored completely behind the front building line of the principal structure or not less than sixty (60) feet from the front lot line, whichever is closest to the front lot line.


    If a variance is granted to the building line or setback requirement for recreational vehicles and recreational watercraft they shall comply with the screening requirements of subsection (7) and shall in no case be parked in a required front yard.


    Recreational vehicles and recreational watercraft seven (7) feet or less in height shall be located no less than three (3) feet from a side or rear lot line, unless screened from view of the abutting property in accordance with subsection (7). RVs and recreational watercraft shall be measured from grade to their top edge and shall exclude any minor incidental projections; projections included in the measurement of height shall be considered as substantial by the discretion of the director of inspection and code enforcement.


    Recreational vehicles and recreational watercraft over seven (7) feet in height shall be located no less than five (5) feet from a side or rear lot line and shall be screened from view of the abutting property and the abutting street right-of-way in accordance with subsection (7).


    On corner lots, recreational vehicles and recreational watercraft shall not be parked or stored closer to the abutting side street than the side building line of the principal structure unless screened in accordance with subsection (7).


    Recreational vehicles and recreational watercraft may be parked anywhere on the premises for loading or unloading purposes no longer than twenty-four (24) hours and shall not extend into any public right-of-way. In situations such as hurricanes or similar weather phenomenon that necessitates an evacuation, the director of inspection and code enforcement may waive the limitation on hours for loading and unloading in this section.


    All recreational vehicles and recreational watercraft shall be in an operable condition and parked or stored on a surface that is maintained in good condition, free of weeds, dust, trash and debris.


    The private garage regulations set forth in section 40-743(g) and the following additional criteria shall apply:


    Applicant shall present to the department of inspection and code enforcement a valid Louisiana motor vehicle or boat registration to demonstrate the need for exception to section 40-743(g).


    The height of the garage door of a detached or attached private garage in which the recreational vehicle or recreational watercraft is parked or stored shall not exceed a height of fourteen (14) feet.


    Private garage structures over thirteen (13) feet shall be setback from the minimum side and rear yard setbacks for accessory structures one (1) foot for every additional one (1) foot or fraction thereof in height over thirteen (13) feet until the minimum side or rear yard setback requirement of the principal structure is reached, and in no case shall exceed nineteen (19) feet in height in a required yard.


    Exterior wall material of garages shall be composed of residentially compatible materials as defined in section 40-46(7).


    Notwithstanding the regulations of section 40-741, the following regulations shall apply for detached carports and shelters housing recreational vehicles and recreational watercraft shall comply with the following criteria:


    Detached carports and shelters shall not exceed thirteen (13) feet in height or a length of forty (40) feet if located in a required side or rear yard unless an applicant presents to the department of inspection and code enforcement a valid Louisiana motor vehicle or watercraft registration to demonstrate the need for additional height or length.


    Detached carports and shelters over thirteen (13) feet shall be setback from the minimum side and rear yard setbacks one (1) foot for every additional one (1) foot or fraction thereof in height over thirteen (13) feet until the minimum side or rear yard setback requirement of the principal structure is reached, and in no case shall exceed nineteen (19) feet in height in a required yard.


    Any vertical surfaces shall be constructed of residentially compatible materials as defined in section 40-46(7).


    Screening requirements:


    Recreational vehicles and recreational watercraft must be screened by a living fence or an opaque wood, brick, vinyl or masonry fence with a minimum height of six (6) feet or any combination thereof.


    Living fences shall be at least two (2) feet in height when planted and must be at least a height of six (6) feet within two (2) years and create a continuous opaque buffer.


    Recreational vehicles and recreational watercraft stored completely underneath a freestanding carport or shelter in which at least the two (2) longest sides are covered halfway from the structure's peak height to grade are exempt from the screening requirements of this section.


    Any property owner citing hardship in complying with the provisions of section 40-661(g) and any citations issued for the violation of any of the provisions of section 40-661(g) shall be adjudicated by the Jefferson Parish Bureau of Administrative Adjudication as set forth in section 2.5-4 of the Code of Ordinances, unless the provision is under the authority of the board of zoning adjustments (BZA) per Article XLII of this chapter (see Table 40.661.1).

    Table 40.661.1 Authority over Hardship, Variances, or Citations for RVs and Recreational Watercraft Parking

    Bureau of Administrative Adjudication (BAA) Hardship or Citation Restriction on Living in RV or Watercraft (40-661(g)(1))
    Hardship or Citation 24-Hour Temporary Parking Limit (40-661(g)(3))
    Hardship or Citation Condition of vehicles and parking area (40-661(g)(4))
    Hardship or Citation Screening Requirements except fence height (40-661(g)(7))
    Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) Variance Setback Requirements (40-661(g)(2))
    Variance Exterior Wall Material of Vertical Surfaces on Carports (40-661(g)(6))
    Variance Fence Height (40-661(g)(7))



    Exemptions :


    Recreational watercraft parked or stored on sites located on the unprotected side of the Pontchartrain and West Bank Hurricane Protection Levees, Mississippi River and Tributaries Flood Protection Levee are exempt from the provisions of subsections (2), (3), and (7) of section 40-661(g).


    Recreational vehicles parked or stored on sites located on the unprotected side of the West Bank Hurricane Protection Levee are exempt from the provisions of subsection (7) of section 40-661(g).


    Commercial vehicles may be parked or stored on the site of a single-, two-, three-, or four-family dwelling including a manufactured home or a townhouse, subject to the following conditions:


    Commercial vehicles may be parked or stored off-street under the following temporary circumstances:


    Emergency vehicles parked while said vehicle and its operator are on call for emergency services; or


    Vehicles and persons actually engaged in repairing or otherwise improving public utilities or infrastructure or performing other activities authorized by the parish; or


    Vehicles parked for the purpose of delivering, picking up materials or merchandise, or performing services for the actual time necessary to accomplish said delivery, pick up, or service.


    Unless otherwise provided, the off-street parking of any heavy commercial vehicle, as defined in section 36-160 of this Code, shall be prohibited.


    One (1) commercial van or one (1) commercial trailer, as defined in section 36-160 of this Code, may be parked or stored off-street, provided that:


    The commercial van or commercial trailer is not actively in use for commercial purposes while parked or stored; and


    The commercial van or commercial trailer meets the setback and screening requirements of recreational vehicles and watercrafts provided in section 40-661(g)(2) and (g)(7) of this section when exceeding seven (7) feet in height and stored outside a private garage.


    A maximum of two (2) light commercial vehicles, as defined in section 36-160 of this Code, may be parked or stored per site provided that each vehicle complies with the on-street parking regulations of section 36-161(b) of this Code. A light commercial vehicle that exceeds the "minimal advertising" criterion may be parked or stored off-street provided it meets the setback and screening requirements of recreational vehicles and watercrafts when parked or stored outside a private garage, regardless of the height of the light commercial vehicle.


    Non-commercial trailers, as defined in section 36-160 of this Code, may be stored on the site of a single-, two-, three-, or four-family dwelling including a manufactured home or a townhouse provided each trailer meets the setback and screening requirements of recreational vehicles and watercrafts in section 40-661(g)(2) and (g)(7) of this section when exceeding seven (7) feet in height and stored outside a private garage.


    Existing one- and two-family dwellings, including townhouses, elevated as part of a home elevation project.


    Maximum driveway slope . To promote public safety, reduce costs, and facilitate timely permit processes, no driveway shall be constructed with a slope greater than five (5) percent unless the BZA grants a variance in accordance with article XLII of this Code.


    Required parking spaces within the front yard permitted . Required parking space(s) may be relocated within the required front yard in accordance with section 40-738 of this Code.


    Maximum slope of the public right-of-way . A slope of the public right-of-way, including but not limited to a driveway apron or sidewalk therein, shall comply with the maximum permitted slope of the public right-of-way and applicable standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA], as determined by the department of public works, in accordance with the following:


    Responsibility . The applicant shall request the determination from the department of public works and shall submit the written determination as part of the application for a building permit.


    Exception . If the site plan review process is required, as per section 33-2.5 of this Code, public works shall provide the determination as part of the LURTC review process.


    Upon request, applicants shall submit to the department of public works any materials or plans necessary to facilitate the determination, which may include a drainage plan.


    To ensure structural integrity, all plans shall be signed and affixed with the seal of a state licensed engineer or architect.

(Ord. No. 20783, § 3(XVIII(1)), 9-22-99; Ord. No. 21224, § 3, 3-7-01; Ord. No. 21562, § 3, 5-8-02; Ord. No. 22962, § 13, 1-10-07; Ord. No. 23292, § 33, 5-7-08; Ord. No. 23898, § 6, 10-13-10; Ord. No. 24587, § 8, 10-2-13; Ord. No. 24823 , § XXIV, 9-17-14; Ord. No. 25020 , § XV, 10-7-15; Ord. No. 25081 , § 1, 2-17-16; Ord. No. 24860 , § 3, 11-5-14; Ord. No. 25411 , § 28, 8-23-17; Ord. No. 25562 , § 13, 4-25-18)