§ 40-685. General sign permit and inspection regulations.  

Latest version.
  • The following regulations apply generally to all signs and are in addition to the regulations contained elsewhere in this Code:


    No sign unless herein excepted shall be erected, constructed, posted, painted, altered, maintained, or relocated until a permit has been issued by the director of inspection and code enforcement.


    Before any permit is issued, an application shall be filed, including two (2) sets of dimensioned drawings and/or specifications (one (1) set to be returned to the applicant) prepared by a licensed architect or engineer and bearing his seal and statement to the effect that the drawings and/or specifications were prepared by him or under his supervision as may be necessary to fully advise and acquaint the Director with the following:


    Location of the sign;


    Method of construction and type of materials;


    Manner of illumination;


    Types of securings or fastenings;


    Number of signs applied for; and


    Wording of the sign or advertisement to be carried on the sign except in the case of the following:


    Off-premises signs.


    On-premises signs where the copy or advertising is anticipated to be changed periodically and where such wording or advertising is not needed in computing the area of the sign.


    On-premises signs with an area of less than twenty (20) square feet.


    All signs which are electrically illuminated, by any method, shall require a separate electrical permit, electrical inspection, and shall obtain a seal of approval from the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.


    All signs shall be erected on or before the expiration of six (6) months from the date of issuance of the permit; the permit shall become null and void if the sign has not been erected within that period of time, and a new permit shall be required.


    Each sign requiring a permit shall be clearly marked with the permit number and name of the person or firm placing the sign on the premises. Such markings shall be placed on the sign or support structure no higher than six (6) feet above finish grade of the site.


    Fees for all sign permits shall be per the Building Code of the Parish of Jefferson.


    Structural and safety features and electrical systems shall be in accordance with the requirements of the building code of the parish. No sign shall be approved for use unless it has been inspected by the department issuing the permit and is found to be in compliance with all the requirements of this chapter and other applicable technical codes.

(Ord. No. 24364, § L, 11-7-12)