§ 4-30. Renewal permits.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All persons holding parish permits shall file applications for renewal thereof for the ensuing year, and pay the permit fees set forth herein, on or before November first of each year. Upon the failure of the person to file his application and pay the permit fees by that date, there shall be added to the fee, in addition to any penalties provided for herein, a delinquency penalty of five (5) percent if the failure is for not more than thirty (30) days, with an additional five (5) percent for each additional thirty (30) days or fraction thereof, during which the failure continues. If the per. son fails to make application before December thirty-first, the parish council may suspend his right to continue his business.


    Any person whose application for renewal is filed before December thirty-first may continue business until issuance of a new permit under the previous year's permit if it has not been suspended or revoked or the new permit withheld or denied.


    Renewal permits may be withheld or denied on the same bounds and in the same manner as an original permit.


    All applicants for the renewal of an alcoholic beverage permit for each subsequent year shall execute a renewal application form supplied by the sheriff of the parish, and which form shall contain the following information:


    That all taxes have or have not been paid to date;


    Names, addresses, telephone numbers, electronic mail addresses (e-mail), and titles of each owner, partner, corporate officer, manager, and anyone owning five (5) percent or more stock in the corporation if changed in the past year;


    Name, electronic mail address (e-mail), and resident address of the applicant;


    Any change in ownership, location, nature of business, marital status of any applicant; if a corporation, officers of the corporation;


    Whether or not the applicant is the owner of the property to be occupied, and if not, and the applicant's lease has expired, a copy of the current lease must accompany application;


    Affidavit by the applicant that all answers to the questions contained in the renewal application are true and correct to the best of the applicant's knowledge, that the applicant has not been convicted of a felony nor had a conviction or judgment against the applicant involving alcoholic beverages within one (1) year prior to the date of the application, and that the applicant meets all other requirements and qualifications as set forth in R.S. 26:79 et seq. and this Code.


    The total monetary amount received, inclusive of taxes, from the sale all alcoholic beverages for the previous twelve (12) consecutive months at the location for which the alcoholic beverage permit is being renewed. In the event the location has operated less than twelve (12) months, the applicant for the permit renewal shall so indicate and shall provide the total alcoholic beverage sales figures for the longest period for which such figures are available.

(Code 1961, § 3-18; Ord. No. 25164 , § 7, 6-8-16)

State law reference

Similar provisions, R.S. 26:88, R.S. 26:285.