§ 5-19. Permits; design specifications of ambulances, emergency response vehicles, and required equipment.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A permit shall be issued for an ambulance only if the vehicle complies with the vehicle design specifications approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation (current KKK-1822) standards and appropriate amendments, supplements and additions by the department.


    Each ambulance and/or emergency response vehicle shall bear the company name and unit number on the exterior rear and both sides in reflective letters and numbers not less than three (3) inches in height.


    Only vehicles which have been issued current valid permits under the provisions of this division shall be permitted to display the word "ambulance" on the exterior of the vehicles and be permitted to be equipped with exterior emergency lights and/or siren.


    Emergency lighting for emergency response vehicles must consist of red, or any combination of red, white or amber emergency warning lights with three hundred sixty (360) degrees visibility at five hundred (500) feet in normal sunlight.


    Vehicle permits are valid for a period of one (1) year from the date of issuance.


    In order for permits to remain valid, all requirements must be maintained during the permit period.


    Temporary permits may be issued at the discretion of the director or his/her designee.


    The original permit must be carried in the designated vehicle at all times.


    Permits shall be renewed only if the holder and vehicles meet the prescribed standards at the time of renewal.


    A permit shall be issued for an ambulance and/or emergency response vehicle only if the vehicle is equipped with and carries as part of its standard configuration the minimum essential life support items, including but not limited to the following:


    All required equipment and design features as listed in the U.S. Department of Transportation current KKK-1822 standard and appropriate amendments, supplements and revisions for ambulances;


    All required equipment as mandated by state law and/or determined by the department;


    Extrication equipment shall normally be carried on the ambulance and/or emergency response vehicle unless a rescue vehicle appropriately equipped and staffed routinely responds to an emergency requiring such equipment;


    Special emergency radio. In addition to standard radio communication equipment for communication between vehicle and base station, all ambulances and/or emergency response vehicles shall be equipped with high band VHF radio for use on the special emergency radio frequency of 155.340 megahertz (H.E.A.R. network) for medical communication. The transmitting microphone and receiving speaker for this radio shall be located in the patient compartment of the ambulance;


    An automated external defibrillator (A.E.D.) shall be included on all ambulances and/or emergency response vehicles operating in unincorporated Jefferson Parish. Training and certification to institute a program for the delivery of automated cardiac defibrillation in the pre-hospital setting shall be in accordance with current American Heart Association standards and approved protocols. Exception to this section may be made if said ambulance or emergency response vehicle is considered to be an "advanced life support" (ALS) unit. The ALS unit must be properly staffed with at least one (1) emergency medical technician-paramedic and equipped with those drugs and equipment necessary to operate at said level of expertise.


    It shall be unlawful for any individual to conduct, maintain or operate an ambulance and/or emergency response vehicle, which does not carry with it as part of its regular equipment the minimum essential equipment as specified herein.


    Modifications to any of the above specifications must be approved by the department.

(Ord. No. 22477, § 6, 4-13-05; Ord. No. 23782, § 7, 3-24-10)