§ 6-76. Application for permit.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Applications for parade permits shall be received by the office no later than the month of July in the year prior to the annual Carnival/Mardi Gras parade season. Krewes shall submit the following documentation to the office along with the application:


    A copy of the executed agreement, which complies with all Louisiana contracting laws, between the krewe and the float provider and/or float builder regarding the provision of floats for the upcoming Carnival/Mardi Gras parade season;


    A copy of the krewe's articles of incorporation. The articles of incorporation are only required for the application of any krewe applying to receive a permit for the first time;


    If required to be filed, a copy of the krewe's current annual report as filed with the Louisiana Secretary of State or current certificate of good standing issued by the Louisiana Secretary of State; and


    If required to be filed, a copy of the krewe's applicable Form 990 filed with the Internal Revenue Service for the preceding tax year.


    No permit will be issued until any and all fines for violations of Article V of the Code of Ordinances issued to the krewe have been satisfied.


    If a krewe changes their float provider and/or float builder at any time subsequent to submission of the application and required documentation as required in subsection (a) of this section, the krewe shall submit a copy of the executed agreement with the new float provider and/or float builder to the department of citizens' affairs within thirty (30) days from the execution of the new agreement but not later than thirty (30) days prior to the start of the Carnival/Mardi Gras parade season.


    Thirty (30) days prior to the start of the Carnival/Mardi Gras parade season, krewes shall provide to the department of citizens' affairs an affidavit of the captain and the float provider and/or float builder attesting that a specified number of floats will be available for the parade. No changes to the parties to this agreement will be allowed after this deadline.


    Upon full compliance with the provisions of Article V and the submission of the application and required documentation as required in this section, the department of citizens' affairs shall issue a parade permit to the applicant. Any such permit, however, is subject to revocation should the department of citizens' affairs discover any violations by the applicant of the provisions of Article V prior to the start of the parade.


    Each float parade organization and truck parade organization seeking a permit to parade shall have been duly chartered by the Office of Louisiana Secretary of State prior to making application to the office.


    A krewe's failure to produce written documentation required by this section within the mandated time periods shall result in forfeiture of its parade permit for that year and may also result in forfeiture of its parade permit for all subsequent years.

(Ord. No. 23544, § 1, 5-6-09; Ord. No. 23925, § 4, 12-8-10; Ord. No. 24176, § 4, 12-7-11; Ord. No. 24479, § 3, 5-15-13; Ord. No. 25688 , § 3, 10-24-18)