§ 7-30. Fees and charges.  

Latest version.
  • In consideration of the Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter's discretion to place impounded animals as the animal shelter deems reasonable as stated in chapter 7, the director of the animal shelter or the designee may authorize a reduction and/or waiver of the following fees if facts of the particular incident warrant such. The request and the basis for a reduction and the authorization from the director shall be made in writing.


    Shelter redemption fees and charges for dogs, cats and other types of animals. Redemption fees for dogs, cats and other types of animals are as follows:


    Licensed dog or cat, wearing a current tag :


    Boarding fee per day ..... $7.00


    Redemption fee ..... 50.00


    Microchip ..... 20.00


    DA2PL and Bordatella vaccinations (dog) ..... 20.00


    FVRCP and Bordatella vaccinations (cat) ..... 20.00


    Licensed dog or cat not wearing a tag :


    Boarding fee per day ..... 7.00


    Redemption fee ..... 55.00


    Microchip ..... 20.00


    DA2PL and Bordatella vaccinations (dog) ..... 20.00


    FVRCP and Bordatella vaccinations (cat) ..... 20.00


    Unlicensed dog or cat :


    Boarding fee per day ..... 7.00


    Redemption fee ..... 60.00


    Microchip ..... 20.00


    DA2PL and Bordatella vaccinations (dog) ..... 20.00


    FVRCP and Bordatella vaccinations (cat) ..... 20.00


    Rabies vaccination and license ..... 15.00

    All redemption fees are in addition to the shelter charges in section 7-30(c) if applicable for vaccination and licensing. The per day fee includes any portion of a day,


    Additional redemption fees for subsequent impoundments :


    The additional redemption fees for additional impoundments occurring within twenty-four (24) months of a previous impoundment, both licensed and unlicensed dogs and cats, are as follows:


    Second impoundment ..... $100.00


    Third impoundment ..... 200.00


    Fourth and subsequent impoundment ..... 500.00


    If redemption is allowed, the additional redemption fees for subsequent impoundments of dangerous animals are as follows:


    Second impoundment ..... $250.00


    Third impoundment ..... 500.00


    On the second impoundment of any animal, occurring within a twenty-four-month period of a previous impoundment, the animal shall be spayed or neutered. All veterinary costs for the spaying or neutering shall be borne by the owner.

    All redemption fees are in addition to the shelter charges in section 7-30(c) if applicable for vaccination and licensing. The per day fee includes any portion of a day.


    Other shelter charges : Animal shelter charges are as follows:



    Rabies vaccination fee and license for altered animals ..... 15.00

    Rabies vaccination fee and license for unaltered animals ..... 20.00


    Rabies vaccination fee and license for registered animal rescue group ..... 5.00


    Booster vaccinations for puppies and kittens adopted from the shelter ..... 20.00


    Adoption fees:


    Dogs, puppies 67.00/cats and kittens 50.00


    The director or the designee of the Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter has the authority to set further reduced adoption fees for special events/sales


    Fee does not include a one hundred dollar ($100.00) sterilization deposit if the shelter veterinarian determines that the animal is unfit at the time to undergo surgery. The deposit is in addition to the adoption fee and will be refunded after the shelter veterinarian performs the surgery, or the private veterinarian certifies that he has performed the surgery.




    Goats and pigs ..... 25.00


    Equine species, plus direct costs ..... 10.00


    Other small animals ..... 25.00


    Rabies observation ..... 75.00


    Boarding fee per day or any part of a day ..... 10.00


    DA2PL and Bordatella vaccinations (dog) ..... 20.00


    FVRCP and Bordatella vaccinations (cat) ..... 20.00


    Rabies vaccination and license ..... 7.00


    Microchip ..... 10.00


    Veterinarians shall issue a Jefferson Parish license for each dog or cat vaccinated that resides in Jefferson Parish and collect an annual fee as provided in this section. The veterinarian shall collect fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each altered animal and twenty dollars ($20.00) for each unaltered animal vaccinated for rabies. In the event that a multiple year vaccination is given, the fee shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00) for altered animals or twenty dollars ($20.00) for unaltered animals per year of the length of the vaccination. These fees shall be remitted to the animal shelter at the end of every month. Veterinarians that perform rabies vaccinations in Jefferson Parish shall issue a valid Jefferson Parish license tag.


    Annual rabies vaccination campaign . Rabies vaccination fee and license for altered and unaltered animals in conjunction with the annual rabies vaccination campaign ..... 15.00


    Microchip for a reclaimed, owner or adopted animal ..... 20.00


    Microchip for an animal returned to an owner after an attack or bite case investigation or rabies observation quarantine ..... 25.00


    Veterinary medical physicals on animals for forensic purposes, bite case animals and animals impounded as evidence in a cruelty investigation pending a court hearing ..... 50.00


    Permit fees : No permit as provided for in division 5 of this article shall be issued until the applicable fee, as follows, has been paid to the animal shelter department. All permit fees are on an annual basis and must be renewed prior to January first of each year. A fee for an initial application for a period of less than a full year shall be half of the amount shown, except for transient zoos. Annual permit fees are as follows:


    For each pet shop ..... $100.00


    For each dealer ..... 1,000.00


    For each dealer breeder ..... 1,000.00


    For each auction ..... 100.00


    For each kennel:

    0—49 pounds ..... 25.00

    50 pounds and over ..... 50.00


    For each guard dog:

    0—49 pounds ..... 25.00

    50 pounds and over ..... 50.00


    For each commercial stable or livery ..... 100.00


    Registration as stable manager (nontransferable) ..... 100.00


    Renewal of registration as stable manager ..... 10.00


    For each grooming shop ..... 100.00

(Code 1961, § 4-23; Ord. No. 15741, 1, 10-5-83; Ord. No. 16251, § I, 11-14-84; Ord. No. 17369, § IV, 11-4-87; Ord. No. 18645, § 2, 12-2-92; Ord. No. 19113, § 1, 6-8-94; Ord. No. 20257, § 7, 1-14-98; Ord. No. 21998, § 2, 9-17-03; Ord. No. 22945, §§ 1—3, 12-13-06; Ord. No. 23438, § 5, 11-19-08; Ord. No. 23710, § 1, 12-9-09; Ord. No. 23784, § 2, 3-24-10; Ord. No. 23808, § 1, 5-12-10; Ord. No. 23913, § 1, 11-3-10; Ord. No. 24037, § 1, 6-15-11; Ord. No. 24247, § 1, 3-28-12; Ord. No. 25634 , § 1, 8-8-18)