§ 7-103. Rules and regulations for permit to own or operate a stable.  

Latest version.
  • All stables shall, in addition to all other requirements of this article, comply with the requirements set forth below. Failure to meet these requirements shall be grounds for denial for a permit to operate, or revocation for any previously issued permit.


    Application for permit. Permit application forms may be obtained from the animal shelter department at #1 Humane Way, P.O. Box 10640, Jefferson LA 70181-0640, or may be requested in writing or by telephone. Completed, notarized forms accompanied by the appropriate fee may be mailed to the above address. If an applicant certifies that all of the requirements of these rules and regulations are being met in his establishment, the animal shelter department may issue a temporary permit until such time as it may make a physical inspection of the establishment. Such temporary permit, however, shall not be valid for more than three (3) months from date of issue, and shall be revoked at the time of inspection if all permit requirements are not being met. Upon certification by an authorized representative of the animal shelter department that all pertinent requirements are being met, the director shall forthwith issue a regular permit which shall be valid until December thirty-first of the year issued.


    Renewal of permit. Prior to December thirty-first of each year all holders of animal handling permits must renew same by applying to the animal shelter department for the appropriate form, executing such form and remitting the current annual permit fee.


    Inspection. All stables shall be subject to inspection at any time by the animal shelter department.


    Minimum standards for care of animals:


    Feeding. All animals shall be provided twice daily with food and continuously with water, free from contamination. Feed shall be wholesome, palatable, and of sufficient quantity and nutritive value to meet the normal daily requirements of the animal.


    Riding equipment. All equipment used for riding must be properly fitted for each animal and be suited to the use of the animal.


    Sanitation. All structures used for the stabling of animals shall be kept clean and in good repair and shall be kept adequately lighted and ventilated and provide protection from the weather.

    Manure shall be removed from all structures used for stabling of animals at intervals sufficient to assure dry, sanitary, odor free conditions inside the structure. Manure removed from the area must be disposed of or treated in a manner which assures prevention of insect growth, deterrence of disease, and odor control. Manure disposal shall be suited to the size and location of the stable area.

    Any enclosure where animals are kept, other than an enclosed structure, shall be kept graded and drained so as to keep the area reasonably dry. Removal of treatment of fecal matter must provide prevention of insect growth, disease deterrence, and odor control.


    Fly control. Flies must be controlled through general sanitation practices. The type of product used for fly and insect control should be suited to the size and location of the stable or enclosure.


    Health of the animals. Animals should show signs of regular attention and care. The name of the attendant veterinarian for each animal should be available to the animal shelter inspector upon request.


    Disputed findings. If the owner/operator of the stable should be unable to come to an agreement with the animal shelter inspectors as to the sanitation of the premises, the health department shall be asked to issue an opinion as to the general conditions of sanitation. In a dispute over the health or condition of the animal, the owner/operator shall have the right to present the opinion of his own veterinarian to the inspector before a decision is reached. If further veterinary advice is warranted, the shelter veterinarian may be consulted after the attending veterinarian has been notified. In all cases, the owner/operator has the right to petition the board for a hearing before his permit is refused or revoked.

(Code 1961, § 4-15(h.4); Ord. No. 20257, §§ 1, 3, 1-14-98)