§ 7-99. Dealer breeders and/or dealers.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Permit required. No person shall be a dealer breeder or dealer unless a permit to operate as a dealer breeder and/or dealer shall have been granted by the animal shelter department. Applications procedures and requirements for such permit shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the animal shelter advisory board under the provisions of this article. The permit period shall be the calendar year and the permit fee shall be as stated in section 7-30 for each permit period or part thereof beginning with the first day of the calendar year. Any advertisement promulgated by a dealer breeder/dealer for the sale of any animal in Jefferson Parish shall include the Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter Permit Number. The dealer breeder/dealer shall display the permit number on the bottom right hand side of the ad using the verbiage "JP Permit No. (fill in number)."


    Requirements for holding of permit. All dealer breeders and dealers must, in addition to all other requirements of this article, comply with the requirements set forth below. Failure to meet these requirements shall be grounds for denial of a permit to operate, or revocation of any previously issued permit.


    Application for permit; temporary permit. Permit application forms may be obtained from the animal shelter department at #1 Humane Way, P.O. Box 10640, Jefferson LA 70181-0640, or may be requested in writing or by telephone. Completed, notarized forms accompanied by the appropriate fee may be mailed to the above address. If an applicant certifies that all of the requirements of these rules and regulations are being met in his establishment, the animal shelter department may issue a temporary permit until such time as it may make a physical inspection of the establishment. Such temporary permit, however, shall not be valid for more than three (3) months from date of issue, and shall be revoked at the time of inspection if all permit requirements are not being met. Upon certification by an authorized representative of the animal shelter department that all pertinent requirements are being met, the director shall forthwith issue a regular permit which shall be valid until December thirty-first of the year issued.


    Renewal of permit. Prior to December thirty-first of each year, all holders of animal handling permits must renew same by applying to the animal shelter department for the appropriate form, executing such form and remitting the current annual permit fee.


    Inspection. The establishment of all dealer breeders and/or dealers shall be subject to inspection at any time by the animal shelter department.


    Prohibitions. No dealer breeder shall allow any female dog or cat to produce more than two (2) litters in any one (1) continuous twelve-month period.


    Minimum standards for care of animals:


    Fresh water for drinking shall be available to all species at all times. Containers are to be cleaned and disinfected each day. All water containers shall be removable for cleaning and be mounted so that the animals cannot turn them over;


    Cage temperatures shall be maintained at a level that is healthful for the species of animal kept in the cage;


    All cages and enclosures shall be of metal or nonporous plastic material for each cleaning and disinfecting. Each cage must be of sufficient size so as to provide the minimum cage area per animal as specified in the tables of sections 7-107—7-109, depending upon the period of confinement. Cage floors shall be of solid material, or if of open mesh construction at least one-half (½) of the floor area shall be covered with cardboard, multiple layers of paper, plastic sheet or other continuous substantial material;


    All animals under three (3) months of age are to be fed at least three (3) times per twenty-four (24) hours. Food for all animals shall be served in a clean dish so mounted that the animal cannot readily tip it over or defecate or urinate in same;


    Each bird must have sufficient room to sit on a perch. Perches shall be placed parallel to each other in the same cage. Cages must be cleaned every day and cages must be disinfected when birds are sold. Parrots and other large birds shall have separate cages from smaller birds;


    There shall be sufficient clean, dry bedding in each cage to meet the needs of each individual animal. Boxes of sand or prepared litter shall be provided for cats;


    No animals shall be kept in darkness during daylight hours;


    All animals must be fed, and watered, and their cages shall be cleaned every day, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays;


    Adult animals of opposite sexes shall not be kept in common cages.


    Records; number and person to contact in emergencies. The holder of any dealer breeder or dealer permit shall keep available for inspection on the premises a record that shall show the name, current address and telephone number of the owner of each animal kept at the facility, the date such animal entered the facility, the reason for such animal being at the facility such as for boarding, sale, breeding or grooming; the description of the animal, including its age, breed, sex and color. The owner shall place in a visible place the name, address and telephone number of the parish animal shelter, or other party who can be contacted in case of emergency, to assume the care of the animals on the premises. In addition, the holder shall furnish to the parish animal shelter the name, address and telephone number of the veterinarian or other responsible party authorized to act on behalf of the holder in case of emergency.

(Code 1961, § 4-15(d), (d.1), (e.1); Ord. No. 18645, § 5, 12-2-92; Ord. No. 20257, §§ 1, 3, 1-14-98; Ord. No. 23784, § 5, 3-24-10)