§ 1.01. Powers of the Parish.

Latest version.
  • The parish shall have all the powers, rights, privileges, and authority now or hereafter vested in parishes, parish governments, and parish officers and in Jefferson Parish in particular by the Constitution and laws of the State. In addition, it shall have all the powers, rights, privileges, and authority to which it is entitled under Article XIV, Section 3(c) of the Constitution of 1921 and Article VI, Section 4 of the Constitution of 1974 to carry on a home rule government for Jefferson Parish. The foregoing powers, rights, privileges, and authority shall be deemed to include all implied powers necessary and proper for putting them into effect and shall include, but shall not be restricted to, the power and authority to:


    Levy and collect property taxes, service charges, special assessments, license charges, fees, and other revenues.


    Prepare, enact, and enforce comprehensive plans for the development of the parish and for zoning purposes.


    Provide and maintain streets, highways, bridges, tunnels, and off-street parking facilities.


    Prepare, enact, and enforce plans for the direction and control of traffic; and install, maintain, and operate traffic control devices or arterials.


    Provide law enforcement, police protection, and traffic control services; develop and administer training, communications, records, crime investigation, jail and stockade facilities, and related services for the parish.


    Prepare, enact, and enforce a uniform fire code and provide fire prevention and protection services.


    Develop, operate, and regulate air, water, rail, and bus terminals; and regulate, control, grant franchises to, or itself operate, public transportation systems.


    Develop, maintain, and operate flood control and surface drainage programs, works, and systems; and cooperate with federal, regional, and state agencies in their development, administration, and operation.


    Regulate, control, grant franchises to, or itself operate, sanitary sewerage and sewage disposal systems.


    Regulate, control, grant franchises to, or itself operate, water supply, treatment, and service systems.


    Develop, operate, or provide for refuse collection and disposal facilities.


    Regulate, control, grant franchises to, or itself operate, gas, light, and power utilities.


    Establish and administer parish housing, urban rehabilitation, and urban conservation programs.


    Establish and maintain hospitals and provide a program of public health services.


    Develop and administer a system of parish parks, playgrounds, recreation programs, libraries, museums, and other recreation and cultural facilities and programs.


    Prepare, enact, and enforce uniform building and related technical codes, which may provide for examination and licensing.

(Ord. No. 19100, 6-8-94)