§ 3.01. Election of the Parish President.  

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    The Parish President shall be the chief administrative officer of the parish government and shall have the same qualifications and be elected at the same time, and for the same term as provided in Section 2.03 for the Council member elected at large. The compensation of the Parish President shall be fixed and may be changed by ordinance of the Council, provided that the ordinance shall not be passed during the last year of the term and that no change shall become effective during the term in which it is voted. The Parish President is a full-time official of the Parish of Jefferson. The Parish President shall work exclusively for the Parish of Jefferson and shall perform no personal, professional, consulting or other services for compensation for any individual, business or entity. The Parish President may receive passive income as defined by The Internal Revenue Service (Publication 925, as amended). The Parish President may also receive portfolio income (income from paper investments such as capital gains, dividends, and interest income). The Parish President shall not be entitled to sick leave or annual leave benefits.


    The President shall be a qualified elector of the parish at the time of qualification and shall have been legally domiciled and shall have actually resided within the parish for at least the one year immediately preceding the time established by law for qualifying for office. The President shall continue to be legally domiciled and actually reside within the parish during the term of office. Should the legal domicile and/or actual residence of the President change from the parish, the office shall automatically become vacant, which vacancy shall be filled as set out hereinafter.


    The office of President shall become vacant upon death, resignation, removal from office in any manner authorized by law, forfeiture of office, failure to take office, or as otherwise provided in this Charter. Within thirty days after the vacancy occurs, by a vote of a majority of the authorized membership of the Council, the office of the President shall be filled by appointment of a person meeting the qualifications for that office, to serve as Acting President.


    If one year or less of the unexpired term remains when the vacancy occurs, the appointee shall serve the remainder of the term. The appointee shall not be eligible to be a candidate for the next full term for the office of President.


    If the vacancy occurs more than one year before the expiration of the term, the Council, within thirty days after the vacancy occurs, shall call an election to fill the vacancy. The election shall be held according to the timetable and procedures established by state law for filling of vacancies in elected local offices. The appointee shall serve until the office is filled by the vote of the qualified electors and the person assumes office. The appointee shall not be eligible to be a candidate for the election to fill the remainder of the unexpired term.


    If the Council does not make an appointment as required by this section within thirty days of the occurrence of the vacancy, the appointment shall be made by the Governor of the State of Louisiana. If an election is required and the Council fails to call the election within thirty days after the vacancy occurs, the Governor of the State of Louisiana shall call the election. The Parish Clerk shall give the Governor written notification forthwith if the Council does not take either action within the allotted time.

(Ord. No. 19100, 6-8-94; Ord. No. 24820 , § 2, 9-3-14)