§ 4.05. Planning.  

Latest version.
  • There shall be a planning department headed by a Director appointed by the President. The Director shall be qualified by special training and experience in the field of planning. Under the supervision of the President and with the advice of the Planning Advisory Board elsewhere provided for in this Charter, the Planning Director shall:


    Conduct studies necessary to prepare official maps and other maps, plats, charts, and reports which taken together will constitute a proposed master plan for the social, economic, and physical development of the parish. Such proposed plan shall be submitted to the Planning Advisory Board for review and shall include, but shall not be limited to, recommendations for: the most desirable density of population in the various parts of the parish; the most desirable use of land for residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial, and other purposes; a system of principal streets, highways, and other public ways; parks, playgrounds, and recreation; the general location, relocation, and improvement of public buildings; the extent and general location of public utilities, whether privately or publicly owned, for water, sewerage, drainage, light, power, transit, and other purposes; the extent and general location of air, water, rail, and bus terminals; the extent and location of public housing projects.


    After review by the Advisory Board, prepare and recommend ordinances designed to effectuate the plans including, but without limitation, zoning, subdivision, and other regulations necessary to insure the application of such regulations to all situations in the parish not covered by municipal regulations and to insure the coordination of capital improvements proposed in the parish budget.


    Provide to any municipality which has and administers systems of planning, zoning, subdivision, and related regulations technical planning services upon agreement between the municipality and the parish as to the nature, suitable terms, and conditions of such services.


    Review the municipal systems of planning, zoning, subdivision, and related regulations and make recommendations thereon with a view to coordinating such municipal systems with one another and with those of the parish.

(Ord. No. 19100, 6-8-94)