§ 4.10. Ethics and Compliance Commission.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    The Parish Council shall by ordinance create an ethics and compliance commission to be administrative, advisory, and quasi-judicial in nature to review, interpret, render advisory opinions on and enforce the ordinances, rules, regulations and policies of Jefferson Parish which regulate the ethics and standards of conduct for Jefferson Parish employees, officials and other persons who are the recipients of public funds, who are engaged in the performance of a parish governmental function, who do business with the Parish, or who are in a position to influence the conduct of Parish employees or officials. The ethics and compliance commission shall have authority to refer cases for investigation on referral or complaint, hold adjudication hearings on violations of ordinances, rules, regulations and policies under its authority, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, and require the production of books, papers, and other evidence, and to impose fines and penalties.


    The commission shall consist of five members, all of whom shall be domiciled in and electors of the Parish, who shall be appointed by the Parish President from lists of three nominees each submitted by the presidents or chancellors of Tulane University, Loyola University New Orleans, Xavier University of Louisiana, The University of New Orleans, and Delgado Community College. All appointments shall be confirmed by a majority of the members of the Parish Council. The first members shall be appointed for terms of one, two, three, four, and five years, respectively; thereafter appointments shall be for five-year terms. Appointments shall be made by the Parish President within 30 days after nominations have been submitted. Should the President fail to appoint within 30 days, the first named nominee shall automatically be submitted to the Council for confirmation. Should the Council fail to confirm or reject the appointee within 30 days, the nominee shall automatically become a member of the commission. Whenever the term of a commission member expires or there is a vacancy in an unexpired term, the replacement appointment shall be made in the same manner as the original appointment was made. A member of the commission may be removed for cause after notice by the President and public hearing by the Council. No member may hold any elective or appointed position with the Parish or with any other government or political party office or have held such position within two years before appointment to the commission. Nominees for appointment should be knowledgeable in governmental ethics, legal or forensic investigations, or finances and audits. Additional qualifications for appointment to the commission may be established by ordinance.


    The ethics and compliance commission shall perform such other administrative, advisory or quasi-judicial duties as may be assigned to it by law, ordinance or resolution or as elsewhere provided in this Charter.


    The ethics and compliance commission is authorized to adopt by-laws, and procedural rules and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Louisiana and ordinances of the Parish of Jefferson and may exercise all those powers either specifically granted herein or necessary in the exercise of those powers herein enumerated.


    The ethics and compliance commission shall advise the Parish Council and the Parish President on all matters under its authority.


    From the revenue source established for the office of inspector general pursuant to Section 4.09(D), an amount shall be allocated for the operation of the ethics and compliance commission to implement its functions efficiently and effectively.

(Ord. No. 23989, § 5, 4-6-11, eff. 1-1-12; Ord. No. 24820 , § 9, 9-3-14)