§ 22-103. Application.  

Latest version.
  • Every transient vendor, canvasser, solicitor or merchant, before selling at retail, or offering for sale at retail, within the unincorporated limits of the parish any goods, wares or merchandise, either from stock or by sample, shall make application with the sheriff for a permit to carry on such business in the parish. Such application shall be in writing, duly sworn to by the applicant in person, or by the applicant's duly authorized representative, and shall contain the following information:


    The name of the person having the management or supervision of such business during the time it shall be carried on in the parish;


    The address of such person while engaged in such business in the parish;


    The capacity in which such person will act; that is, whether as proprietor or agent;


    The name of the person for whose account the business shall be carried on, and if a corporation, under the laws of what state the same is incorporated;


    Three (3) business references;


    The place where the owner of such business conducts or maintains an established place of business;


    The place in the parish where it is proposed to carry on such business, and the length of time during which it is expected or proposed that such business shall be conducted;


    The place, other than the permanent place of business of the owner, where such transient vendor, canvasser, solicitor or merchant within the six (6) months next preceding the date of such application conducted or carried on a temporary or transitory business, stating the nature thereof and giving the post office and street addresses of any building or office in which such business was so conducted;


    A statement of the nature, character and quantity of the goods, wares or merchandise to be sold at retail or offered for sale at retail in the parish and the invoice value of such goods;


    A statement as to whether the goods are to be sold at retail from stock in possession or by sample, and whether the same are to be sold at retail at auction or public outcry, or by personal solicitation, or otherwise. Bills or invoices of purchase of goods shall be attached to the application when demanded by the sheriff in the exercise of his discretion;


    A, brief statement of the nature and character of the advertising done or to be done in order to attract customers, and, if required by the sheriff, copies of all advertising, whether by handbills, circulars, newspaper advertising or otherwise, shall be attached to the application as exhibits thereto;


    The number, either of arrests or convictions, of misdemeanors or crimes, and the nature of the offenses for which the applicant has been arrested or convicted, if any;


    To the application must be appended a letter from the firm for which the applicant purports to do business, authorizing the applicant to act as its representative.

(Code 1961, § 12A-6(c))