§ 32-5. Council permission.  

Latest version.
  • The council, by resolution, may permit the installation of a private sign on public property provided the sign:


    Will not cause diminution or depreciation of property values of any surrounding property, nor alter the essential character of the locality nor have an adverse aesthetic or functional impact on the site; and


    Will not tend to degrade and hinder the prosperity and general welfare of the immediate surrounding area and/or community; and


    Will not be detrimental to the public welfare or seriously affect or be injurious to other property or improvements in the immediate area in which the signs will be located, in that it will not impair an adequate supply of light and air, or increase substantially the congestion in the public streets, create a traffic hazard, or increase the danger of fire, or endanger the public safety, or cause serious damage to public infrastructure or improvements or to utilities, or cause serious annoyance or injury to occupants of adjoining premises by reason of emission noise or vibration, light or glare or other nuisances; and


    Meets the location, design and other requirements of Article II and will be installed for not more than thirty (30) days; however, the owner of a private property that abuts the parish right-of-way may install the following detached signs for more than thirty (30) days subject to the procedures and criteria of this section:


    General criteria.


    Lease. All requests to locate detached signage in parish rights-of-way shall be predicated on the provision of a lease of right-of-way agreement between the property owner or lessee and the parish.


    The property owner or lessee shall apply to the parish attorney's office for a lease of parish right-of-way for the private sign specifying a minimum lease area of either one hundred (100) square feet or twenty-five (25) square feet, depending on the type of sign, as indicated in Figure 32-1-1.

    Figure 32-1-1: Minimum lease area for detached signage in parish rights-of-way.

    Sign Type
    Monument Sign
    Directional Sign
    Minimum Lease
    One hundred (100)
    square feet including
    the base of the sign
    Twenty-five (25)
    square feet including
    the base of the sign



    To apply for the lease of parish right-of-way, the property owner or lessee shall submit all documents, reports, surveys, drawings, and fees required by the parish to effectuate the lease and depict essential information including, but not limited to:


    The exact location, area, height and overall design of the proposed sign(s) and


    Field location of all utilities (horizontal and vertical depth), and location of clear vision areas.


    The parish attorney's office shall submit the lease application to the land use review technical committee (LURTC) for review and recommendations, and upon elimination of any safety, public utility, or pedestrian access concerns shall forward these findings to the parish council for consideration of the lease approval.


    As part of the lease agreement, the property owner or lessee shall sign a hold harmless agreement regarding liability for the sign and its removal for public improvements and maintenance of the right-of-way and public utilities within the right-of-way.


    The council resolution concurrently shall approve the installation of the private sign and the lease of the right-of-way in accordance with section 2-877 and section 2-877.1 of this Code. If the property owner or lessee has an existing lease for the right-of-way in place prior to the approval of the sign, the council resolution shall approve the installation of the private sign and an amendment to the existing lease for the placement of the sign in the right-of-way.


    Notwithstanding the provisions of section 2-877 of this Code, all rental paid to the parish pursuant to leases provided for herein shall be deposited into an account for the council district in which the right-of-way is located, dedicated to parish rights-of-way improvements, beautification, and related work in that district, less direct expenses provided by the parish to implement and maintain said leases.


    Illumination. Signs may be illuminated, but shall not flash, blink, or fluctuate and shall not be animated. These signs shall not contain an electronic variable message (EVM) sign, as defined in this Code, in whole or in part.


    Monument sign. In accordance with this section and subject to approval by the parish council, a property owner or lessee may apply to install a monument sign in parish right-of-way that advertises or designates the use on the abutting private property subject to the following criteria (see Figure 32-1-2 for summary):


    The sign in parish right-of-way shall be in lieu of a detached sign on the abutting private property and shall be a monument sign, as defined in Chapter 33 of this Code, or if the location of utilities precludes a pedestal then the sign may be on a pole and shall be skirted or screened along the bottom to look like a monument sign;


    The sign shall have a maximum height of twelve (12) feet and a maximum area of one hundred (100) square feet or the area established in the zoning district of the abutting private property, whichever area is less; and


    The sign shall be located within a landscaped bed of a minimum area of one hundred (100) square feet including the area of the base of the sign.


    Directional sign. In accordance with this section and subject to approval by the parish Council, a property owner or lessee may apply to install detached directional signs in parish right-of-way that provide direction to the use on the abutting private property subject to the following criteria (see Figure 32-1-2 for summary):


    The directional sign(s) shall be excluded from the sign area calculation for permitted signs on the abutting private property;


    A maximum of two (2) directional signs shall be allowed per driveway allowing ingress or egress to the site; and


    Each directional sign shall have a maximum height of three (3) feet above grade as measured to the top of the sign and a maximum area of six (6) square feet.

    Figure 32-1-2: Comparative Table of Criteria for Detached Signage in Parish Rights-of-Way

    Sign Type
    Monument Sign
    Directional Sign
    Minimum lease area One hundred (100) square feet including the base of the sign Twenty-five (25) square feet per sign including the base of the sign
    Minimum landscaped bed area
    One hundred (100) square feet including the base of the sign None
    Signs may be illuminated, shall not flash, blink, or fluctuate and shall not be animated or contain an electronic variable message (EVM) sign.
    Maximum height above grade
    Twelve (12) feet Three (3) feet
    Maximum area One hundred (100) square feet
    Six (6) square feet



    If applicable, meets the location, design and other requirements of Article III; and


    Will have the resolution, in which the sign is permitted by the council, posted on each and every sign the resolution pertains to in a visible location, and protected from the weather, except a sign approved by lease for more than thirty (30) days as specified above.

(Ord. No. 16026, § 1, 5-9-84; Ord. No. 22268, § 2 7-14-04; Ord. No. 24630, § 1, 12-11-13; Ord. No. 24955 , § 2, 6-10-15)