§ 33-6.25.11. Minor amendment.  

Latest version.
  • The planning director is authorized to approve the following minor changes to an approved landscaping plan if the minor change does not alter the overall characteristics of the plan or create adverse impacts on adjacent uses or public services and facilities and when the Landscape Architect recommends that a change is necessary because strict adherence to the plan would be deleterious to the health and longevity of the plant materials or because special conditions and circumstances exist on the site that make compliance impractical or would result in a hardship as distinguished from mere inconvenience:


    Substitution of different plant class, diversity, or type of landscaping including substitution of other plant materials for shrubs or trees if the numbers of shrubs or trees on the approved landscaping plan comprise more plant material than the site can sustain for vigorous healthy growth and sustainability;


    Relocation or grouping of plant material;


    Decrease in plant quantity, by not more than ten (10) percent, provided the reduction is offset by a compensatory increase in plant size. The planting requirements shall not be reduced by more than ten (10) percent, unless the landscape plan is part of an integrated stormwater management strategy, in which case the landscape requirements may be reduced by no more than twenty-five (25) percent with approval of the stormwater management plan;


    Installation or relocation of irrigation; or


    Removal of impervious surface to accommodate or facilitate landscaping as long as required parking is not decreased and access is not impaired.

(Ord. No. 25405 , § 35, 8-9-17)