§ 39-2. Anchorage and mooring zone on Mississippi River.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Those areas along the Mississippi River banks on the river side of the levees which are directly across from property zoned C-2 General Commercial, M-1 Light Industrial and M-2 Heavy Industrial are hereby designated as mooring and anchorage areas for the tieing up of barges and other vessels, all as per map annexed to Ordinance Number 11562 and made part thereof and marked for identification "Anchorage and Mooring Zone Map I."


    No other areas along the Mississippi River within the unincorporated territorial limits of the parish shall be used as mooring and anchorage areas.


    Upon written request, the parish council may waive these restrictions for good cause shown and only after a public hearing has been held by the parish council giving due notice to all parties concerned.

(Code 1961, § 20-2)