§ 40-684. Off-premises sign regulations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)



    Off-premises signs shall be permitted only in the following districts:


    General Commercial District C-2;


    Office Warehouse District OW-1;


    Industrial Districts M-1, M-2, M-3, and M-4;


    Unrestricted Rural District U-1R;


    Unrestricted Suburban District U-1S only on properties abutting the U.S. Highway 90 right-of-way.


    No off-premises sign shall be permitted within:


    One hundred (100) feet of a residential district as measured radially from the farthest projection of the sign nearest the residential district.


    Five hundred (500) feet of an interstate highway as measured radially from the farthest projection of the sign nearest the adjacent interstate right-of-way.


    Sign faces. Each off-premises sign shall be single- or double-faced and shall consist of one (1) sign panel per sign face.


    Orientation. For an off-premises sign located on a corner lot, the sign shall be oriented to traffic on one (1) street only.


    Sign area.


    The maximum sign area shall be six hundred seventy-two (672) square feet.


    The maximum sign face width shall be forty-eight (48) feet.


    The maximum sign face height shall be fourteen (14) feet.


    Height. The maximum height of off-premises signs shall be sixty-five (65) feet.


    Setback regulations.


    Unless otherwise stated in this chapter, off-premises signs shall meet the yard setbacks of the district in which they are located.


    Off-premises signs located in the General Commercial District C-2 shall have a minimum front and rear yard setback of twenty (20) feet and a minimum side yard setback of ten (10) feet.


    Spacing. There shall be a minimum distance of five hundred (500) feet measured radially between off-premises signs.


    Supplemental criteria.


    Parking spaces. Off-premises signs shall not be located so as to reduce the legal existing number of parking spaces on the premises. No variance or exceptions to this provision shall be granted by the board of zoning adjustments, the Jefferson Parish Council, or any parish board, commission, department or administrative agency.


    Off-premises electronic variable message signs. The use of electronic variable message (EVM) technology in off-premises signs shall be permitted subject to the following additional criteria:


    Sign spacing.


    The minimum distance between off-premises EVM signs shall be one thousand (1,000) feet.


    The minimum distance between an off-premises EVM sign and an existing non-EVM off-premises sign shall be five hundred (500) feet.


    Residential proximity. Off-premises EVM signs shall be located a minimum of three hundred (300) feet (measured radially) from any residentially zoned district.


    Variances. No variance or exception for the minimum required distance between an off-premises EVM sign and any residential zoning district shall be granted by the parish council or any parish board, commission, department or administrative agency.


    Applications for permits to erect, construct, relocate, or convert off-premises signs shall be submitted to the department of inspection and code enforcement. No application shall be accepted unless all of the following minimum information is submitted in addition to the application requirements found in section 40-685 of this chapter:


    A legal description of the property.


    Present name, address and phone number of the property owner and applicant.


    A signed statement from the owner of the property acknowledging that an agreement has been reached with the applicant for the location of an off-premises sign on his property.


    Two (2) copies of a current survey indicating all existing improvements of the property by a registered Louisiana land surveyor showing the lot, square, subdivision name, north point, scale, distance to the nearest intersecting street, the location of the proposed sign, distance of the sign structure (including catwalks) from each property line.


    Certification by a registered Louisiana land surveyor indicating that the proposed sign complies with the minimum requirements for sign spacing and residential proximity stated in this section. All newly-erected off-premises signs must meet these requirements.


    Two (2) copies of a plot plan, drawn to scale, showing any improvements on the property, including the location of the proposed sign, and any existing parking spaces.


    The proposed off-premises sign shall meet all other applicable requirements of the Jefferson Parish Building Code.


    No utilities shall be released in connection with the erection, construction, conversion, or relocation of an off-premises sign until two (2) copies of a certified as-built survey by a registered Louisiana land surveyor have been submitted to the department of inspection and code enforcement which shows that the sign complies with the requirements of this chapter and the Jefferson Parish Building Code.

(Ord. No. 24364, § L, 11-7-12; Ord. No. 25020 , § XVII, 10-7-15)