Jefferson Parish |
Code of Ordinances |
Article 3. ZONING |
§ 33-3.52.4. Development standards.
Design .
Exterior finishes. In order to accentuate the area's relationship with Lake Pontchartrain, structures in the OBM-2 shall incorporate nautical details in structures whenever possible, including but not limited to lighthouse and other maritime elements, clock towers, fountains and color palettes of grey and blue.
Doors and entrances.
Buildings must have a primary entrance door facing a public sidewalk.
Building entrances may include doors to individual shops or businesses, lobby entrances, entrances to pedestrian-oriented plazas, or courtyard entrances to a cluster of shops or businesses.
A principal building located on a corner lot may provide a single primary entrance at the corner.
Windows . Commercial structures in the OBM-2 shall contain sufficient visibility to promote safety and pedestrian interest. Solid, blank walls or walls with a small amount of window openings shall not be allowed. Retail and service establishments shall adhere to the following standards for windows:
A minimum of fifty (50) percent of the street facing building façade between two (2) feet and eight (8) feet above the first finished floor shall be comprised of clear windows that allow views of indoor space or product display areas.
The bottom of any window or product display window used to satisfy the window standard in paragraph (a) above shall not be more than three (3) feet above the adjacent sidewalk.
Product display windows used to satisfy these requirements must have a minimum height of four (4) feet and shall be internally illuminated.
No drive-in, drive-up, or drive-through facilities; or outdoor speakers except as authorized by the council through a special event permit, shall be allowed.
No outdoor storage, display or operations shall be allowed, except outdoor customer seating for restaurants and snack bars.
Landscaping, buffering, and screening.
Section 33-6.25, Landscaping, buffering, and screening, shall apply, and the required screening shall consist of wood, brick, or masonry.
The streetscape greenspace required by section 33-6.25.4, Standards, is in addition to any landscaping within public rights-of-way as referenced in the Bucktown Neighborhood Plan. However, in lieu of Streetscape greenspace, the front yard may be occupied by open commercial space including outside seating areas for cafes, plazas, and other people-oriented spaces in accordance with section 33-3.52.3(b)(3).
Parking and clear vision areas.
Off-street parking shall be provided as set forth in Article XXXV, Off-Street Parking, Loading, and Clear Vision Area Requirements, of Chapter 40, Zoning, of this Code.
Parking structures shall be designed to fit in architecturally with the structure and shall employ the same architectural features and finishes as utilized in the main part of the structure. Parking garages are allowed as an accessory use.
Parking shall be located to the rear or side of the principal use or principal building, not to extend in front of the front building line closest to the street.
(Ord. No. 25040 , § III, 11-4-15; Ord. No. 25405 , § 12, 8-9-17)