§ 36-94. Blocking of driveways.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle, or permit it to stand, whether attended or unattended, on the street in front of, or within three (3) feet of the curb return of a driveway, or on the street directly opposite a driveway, on all two-lane public streets, roads, or highways in the unincorporated areas of the parish.

    Provided that in cases where a single-family home has two (2) or more driveways, the parking prohibition on the opposite side of the street will only apply to the primary driveway. The primary driveway being defined as the driveway leading to a garage or carport, or to that part of the premises originally designed as the off-street residential parking facility.

    When a single-family home has two (2) or more driveways and it is not clear which is the primary driveway, the primary driveway, for purposes of enforcing the parking prohibition on the opposite side of the street, shall be determined as follows: (1) the driveway which is more nearly aligned with the driveway on the opposite side of the street shall be considered the primary driveway, or (2) if neither driveway is more nearly aligned with a driveway on the opposite side of the street, the driveway nearest the right side of the home, when viewed from the street, shall be considered the primary driveway.

    The parking prohibition on the opposite side of the street shall not apply to a two-lane street, road or highway that has a paved shoulder or parking lane on the opposite side of the street.

    This section shall not prevent a legal occupant of a structure from parking a vehicle in front of his/her own driveway providing that such parking does not violate any other parish ordinance.

    Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be punished as set forth in section 1-10 of this Code.

(Code 1961, § 11-72; Ord. No. 15401, § 1, 1-583; Ord. No. 21799, § 1, 3-19-03; Ord. No. 23671, § 19, 10-14-09)

State law reference

Blocking of private driveways, R.S. 32:143.1.